Oman Daily Observer


- KABEER YOUSUF @kabeeryous­ef

Artificial Intelligen­ce (AI) will create about 97 million new jobs worldwide and almost 85 million jobs that seen today would be obsolete, according to First Regional Workshop of the Islamic World Artificial Intelligen­ce Charter (IWAIC) in the Asia and Middle East regions being held at the W Hotel in Muscat.

Nearly 14 per cent of the market share of global income would be from AI, which is poised to grow at 33 per cent per annum, said Dr Salim al Malik, DG of Islamic World Educationa­l, Scientific and Cultural Organisati­on.

“Almost 77 per cent of all devices that are currently in use will be powered by AI in the days to come as it is poised to grow by 33 per cent per annum. The line that separates the decision-making process and AI will narrow down and there would be no distance between the two in the days to come,” Dr Salim said.

Held under the auspices of Dr Khamis bin Saif bin Hamoud al Jabri, Chairman of Oman Vision 2040 Implementa­tion Followup Unit, the two-day workshop aims to explore strategic and methodolog­ical frameworks for the Islamic World Artificial Intelligen­ce Charter and to brainstorm the possibilit­ies of AI in the modern world.

“One of the most prominent initiative­s led by ICESCO is the preparatio­n of the Charter of Ethics for Artificial Intelligen­ce in the

Islamic World, which comes in implementa­tion of the decision of the Executive Council of ICESCO at its forty-third session, held in December 2022 in the Kingdom of Morocco, where member states unanimousl­y assigned the task of drafting the Islamic World Charter for Artificial Intelligen­ce to the administra­tion,” Dr Salim said.

According to the experts from 43 member states who are attending the conference, it has become necessary to harness a comprehens­ive, forward-looking and proactive approach to everything related to AI and its uses, in order to keep pace with the accelerati­ng technologi­cal and qualitativ­e transforma­tions.

It is also pertinent to achieve the desired aspiration­s and goals, move forward towards a bright future and promising horizons, and lay solid foundation­s through which economies will flourish and sustainabl­e developmen­t of societies will be achieved.

“Oman is all set to reap the benefits of AI and our students are being empowered in this area besides setting up Ai-powered technologi­es at various spots including the airport. This regional workshop represents a significan­t advance in the existing consultati­on process for the Charter, and after an initial calibratio­n session at ICESCO headquarte­rs, this workshop comes in a strategic location to move the initiative forward in partnershi­p with the UTAS and the MOTCIT,” Dr Said bin Hamad al Rubaie, President of the University of Technology and Applied Sciences, said.

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 ?? ?? The two-day workshop aims to explore strategic and methodolog­ical framework for the Islamic World Artificial Intelligen­ce Charter and to brainstorm the possibilit­ies of AI in the modern world
The two-day workshop aims to explore strategic and methodolog­ical framework for the Islamic World Artificial Intelligen­ce Charter and to brainstorm the possibilit­ies of AI in the modern world

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