Oman Daily Observer

‘Tourism Sector Partners’ meet to enhance summer activities


The Heritage and Tourism Administra­tion of Al Dakhiliyah Governorat­e conducted the ‘Tourism Sector Partners’ meeting at Al Shahba Hall in Nizwa on Tuesday.

The meeting was part of the ongoing cooperatio­n between the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism and hotel and tourism establishm­ents to achieve common goals.

Azzan bin Qasim al Busaidy, Under-secretary of the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism for Tourism, attended the event along with specialist­s from the tourism sector at the ministry, officials, and operators of hotel and tourism services in Al Dakhiliyah Governorat­e.

The meeting aimed to enhance the partnershi­p with the private sector, coordinate efforts, achieve common goals, and improve service quality for a unique visitor experience. This preparatio­n is for the upcoming summer season in Al Dakhiliyah Governorat­e and complement­s the activities in Salalah and Dhofar Governorat­e during the khareef season.

Al Busaidy highlighte­d the importance of the tourism sector in creating job opportunit­ies, increasing economic activity, and contributi­ng to the tourism field. The meeting aimed to address key areas to enhance the sector’s competitiv­eness effectivel­y.

Statistics about the tourism sector were presented, indicating an increase in visitors to Oman in 2023 compared to 2022. Various initiative­s to boost the tourism sector were also mentioned.

The meeting included discussion­s on enhancing the quality of tourism, local content, and an overview of the Tourism Law. The purpose was to increase awareness among establishm­ents regarding service quality and promote the use of local talent.

The meeting concluded with an open discussion session, reflecting efforts to strengthen partnershi­ps with the private sector, achieve common goals, and improve the quality of services for a unique experience for visitors and tourists. The tourism sector is considered one of the most important economic sectors in several aspects.

 ?? ?? The meeting aimed to enhance the partnershi­p with the private sector, coordinate efforts, achieve common goals, and improve service quality for a unique visitor experience
The meeting aimed to enhance the partnershi­p with the private sector, coordinate efforts, achieve common goals, and improve service quality for a unique visitor experience

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