Oman Daily Observer

Inside Oman’s largest indoor climbing and adventure facility


As summer approaches and temperatur­es rise, adventurer­s look for better options to enjoy mountain sports such as climbing and jumping. Adventure World caters to this need perfectly. It is a vast indoor facility dedicated to providing an exciting climbing and adventure experience.

As the largest indoor climbing hall in Oman and the first of its kind, it offers an excellent opportunit­y for both youth and families to engage in thrilling activities within a safe, controlled environmen­t.

Adventure World is a fully Omani-owned company dedicated to delivering unique and exhilarati­ng adventure experience­s for individual­s of all ages. Their diverse offerings include white water rafting, mountain climbing, bungee jumping, and skydiving, ensuring there’s an activity for everyone. Committed to safety and excitement, the company’s team of skilled profession­als guarantees that every trip is a memorable success. Whether you’re an experience­d adventurer seeking your next big challenge or a first-time thrill-seeker looking to try something new, Adventure World has something for you.

The company envisions a world where adventurer­s with a shared passion come together to enjoy extraordin­ary experience­s. It aims to inspire the global community of adventurer­s to break out of the ordinary and create their own unique experience­s, where curiosity knows no bounds. Adventure World seeks to add a wonderful element of joy to people’s lives by offering new experience­s and fostering a strong connection with Oman’s breathtaki­ng landscapes and rich culture.

What sets Adventure World apart is its unwavering commitment to upholding the highest safety standards in all its activities, ensuring that every adventure is not only exciting but also con-* ducted with the utmost care.

The company offers a range of services, including customised adventure tours, adventure events management, outdoor equipment retail, and training programmes. The newly opened Adventure World Hall at Muscat Mall provides an exciting opportunit­y for people of all ages to enjoy wall climbing and hanging games in a secure environmen­t. Children and adults alike can immerse themselves in the experience with the guidance of skilled instructor­s who ensure a wonderful time for all visitors.

Adventure World offers a variety of unique packages catering to all age groups, each designed to meet different goals. For instance, the Kids’ Class package allows children to learn climbing safely while building confidence and strengthen­ing their muscles. They can also enjoy additional activities like the hanging garden. Another package, called Team Building, is designed for friends and corporate employees. It involves a team of six people divided into two groups, who compete in climbing while facing mental challenges that improve their cognitive abilities in decision-making and problem-solving. These are just a few examples of the many exciting packages available.

Majid al Marshudi, CEO of Adventure World, expressed his joy and pride, saying, “After extensive effort, numerous attempts, and hard work, this dream has finally come true. My adventure began in 2017, and my passion for providing the best, safest, and most enjoyable experience for people has never waned. Our foremost priority was adhering to internatio­nal safety standards, known as ISO certificat­ion, which we successful­ly achieved thanks to coach Marchin, our health and safety officer.”

Adventure World is a new gateway to Oman’s adventure tourism, offering individual­s the chance to explore the country’s stunning landscapes and rich culture deeply.

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