Oman Daily Observer

Oman’s first satellite to be used for gas networks monitoring


Data from Oman’s first satellite Aman-1, which was launched by Omani ETCO Space, will be used to monitor and track the country’s gas networks per an agreement signed during COMEX 2024, which concluded here on Thursday. The agreement was signed by Omantel and OQ Gas Networks (OQGN), which owns and operates Oman’s natural gas transporta­tion system.

Speaking to the media soon after the signing, Khalid al Wahaibi, Vice President of Quality, Health, Safety, Security & Environmen­t at OQGN, said: “Today, we signed an agreement between OQGN and Omantel to use satellites for monitoring, tracking, and managing gas networks. This agreement is very important for raising the safety standards in the oil and gas sector, and it translates Oman’s Vision 2040 into action through the use of technology and artificial intelligen­ce.”

According to the official, OQGN will be the first company to utilise this technology in the country. Additional­ly, he shared that by the end of year, the company will invite other firms to implement similar digital solutions that have a valuable impact on the oil and gas sector.

Aman-1, which launched in November 2023, is the result of a collaborat­ive effort involving Omani space company ETCO Space, Polish data analysis and solutions provider TUATARA, and Polish nanosatell­ite manufactur­er Satrevolut­ion.

Earlier in January, ETCO Space announced the launch of new company “Spazers”, also in collaborat­ion with TUATARA and Satrevolut­ion, to manufactur­e satellites and offer space launch services in Oman.

Following the release of the Executive Space Programme in 2023 which aims to boost the space sector in Oman and its contributi­on to the economy, government officials revealed that RO 20 million worth of investment­s were raised in the space sector within the span of two years.

 ?? ?? An image captured by satellite Aman-1.
An image captured by satellite Aman-1.

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