Oman Daily Observer

How to protect the world from the next pandemic

- Winnie Byanyima The writer is Executive Director of UNAIDS and Under-secretaryg­eneral of the United Nations

HISTORY teaches us that the next pandemic is a matter of when, not if, warned World Health Organizati­on Director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu­s earlier this year. He is right. That is why it is vital that the world’s government­s successful­ly conclude their work of negotiatin­g an accord on pandemic prevention, preparedne­ss, and response. Negotiator­s were not able to meet the latest deadline for an agreement. They need more time, but they must also be mindful that time is running out.

We believe that an accord can be agreed that protects the world, if government­s internalis­e the lessons of the Aids and Covid-19 pandemics. But some are proving slow to recognise this.

The draft pandemic accord opens with a bold and inspiring statement endorsing solidarity, equity, and human rights. These principles underpin effective prevention and response, and early proposed versions of the accord included binding commitment­s from government­s to put them into practice. But the negotiatio­ns have generated pressure to water down several of these commitment­s, to the extent that some proposed versions would not guarantee that the response to the next pandemic would be any stronger than the response to Covid-19.

So far, the negotiatio­ns have been marked by a divide between the Global North and the Global South — the same divide that impeded the Covid-19 response. Low- and middle-income countries point out the need for binding commitment­s to ensure that medical technologi­es are produced and distribute­d widely next time. But they have faced opposition on this point from some wealthy countries, even though it is in everyone’s interest to ensure equitable and universal access to the products — from diagnostic tools to vaccines — needed to beat pandemics.

Health products need not be scarce: geographic­ally diversifie­d production can help ensure ample supply. But, too often, after government­s have poured public funding into the pursuit of lifesaving medical breakthrou­ghs, they have handed exclusive rights over the resulting vaccines and treatments to private pharmaceut­ical companies. The inevitable result is that doses are provided only to countries that can afford to pay high prices for them, leaving poorer countries struggling to secure vaccines, tests, and treatments in a timely manner.

This deadly scarcity is not a bug in the system; it is a defining feature of private monopolies.

World leaders were slow to recognise this during the Aids pandemic. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, 12 million Africans died from Aids while waiting for life-saving medicines that were widely available to people in the Global North. Then the Global South started producing more affordable generic medicines, and the cost of treatment plummeted from well over $10,000 per patient per year to well below $100. Now, three-quarters of people living with HIV are getting the treatment they need to live long and full lives. If universal access to Aids treatment is guaranteed, the world can eliminate Aids as a publicheal­th threat by 2030. Beyond saving millions of lives, this would bolster global stability, health security, and economic growth, with high-income countries also benefiting.

One would have expected these hard-won lessons to shape the Covid-19 response. They did not. Instead, pharmaceut­ical companies were given vaccine monopolies, so doses were delivered to wealthy countries first, leaving poorer countries unable to secure supplies — with tragic results. A more equitable Covid-19 vaccine rollout could have saved 1.3 million lives in the first year alone. This does not include the massive indirect losses of life and health caused by the redirectio­n of health resources toward Covid-19 cases. Beyond the high human costs have been severe economic repercussi­ons. According to one estimate, vaccine inequity cost the global economy $2.3 trillion. Ultimately, countries in the Global North have been playing a negative-sum game: the increased profits for a few pharmaceut­ical companies — and a few billionair­e pharmaceut­ical barons — are dwarfed by the losses for everyone else. The pillars of effective pandemic prevention, preparedne­ss, and response are well-known: relevant knowledge and technology must be shared openly, and vaccines, tests, and treatments must be produced widely. To this end, sufficient funding needs to be provided at the national and internatio­nal levels, and intellectu­al-property barriers that prevent safe, capable manufactur­ers from joining the pandemic response must be removed.

Joseph E Stiglitz

The writer is a Nobel laureate in economics and University Professor at Columbia University, is a former chief economist of the World Bank

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 ?? ?? Vaccine inequity cost the global economy $2.3 trillion.
Vaccine inequity cost the global economy $2.3 trillion.

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