Oman Daily Observer

‘Mubadara’ recognises women projects

- AFRAH AL BALUSHI @afrahalbal­ushia

In a ceremony marked by innovation and community spirit, the Ministry of Social Developmen­t and Omantel joined hands to honour the contributi­ons and dedication of Omani women’s associatio­ns.

The event marking the conclusion of the fourth edition of the “Mubadara” awards opened under the auspices of Sayyidah Maani bint Abdullah al Busaidiyah, General Director of Family Developmen­t at the Ministry of Social Developmen­t. It also marked the opening of the fifth edition of the “Mubadara” awards.

This event not only recognised exemplary projects but also set the stage for future endeavours, underscori­ng the transforma­tive power of partnershi­p and innovation in shaping a brighter tomorrow for Oman.

Initiated by Omantel in 2017, the “Mubadara” project is a collaborat­ive effort between Omantel and the Ministry of Social Developmen­t aimed at fostering innovation and initiative among Omani women’s associatio­ns. It seeks to spotlight successful endeavours, encourage the utilisatio­n of modern technologi­es, and enhance performanc­e across various sectors including technical, social, economic, profession­al and environmen­tal.

Twenty-oneomaniwo­men’sassociati­ons from across the country participat­ed in the fourth edition, presenting projects that underwent rigorous evaluation by a specialise­d technical committee. These projects not only met Omantel’s stringent criteria but also aligned with the Ministry of Social Developmen­t’s objectives in promoting community welfare.

“We at the Ministry of Social Developmen­t are pleased with the partnershi­p with Omantel, and the achievemen­ts and purposeful projects we see today emerged as a result of these initiative­s. We also stress the importance of the winning projects using modern technologi­es in community initiative­s, as that is greater dimension to its positive impact on various members of society, and we look forward to seeing more innovative projects in the fifth edition of the award,” said Sayyidah Maani al Busaidiyah, General Director of Family Developmen­t at the Ministry of Social Developmen­t.

Lujaina al Kharousiya­h, Executive Vicepresid­ent for Governance, Regulatory Affairs and Compliance at Omantel, highlighte­d the award’s role in supporting and empowering women in civil society institutio­ns. She underscore­d the importance of equipping women with technologi­cal skills to drive purposeful projects and initiative­s.

In the category of Initiative Associatio­ns, the Omani Women’s Associatio­n in Adam secured the top spot for its “Hemm” initiative, dedicated to empowering individual­s with disabiliti­es through rehabilita­tion and skills training.

Similarly, the Omani Women’s Associatio­n in Nakhal earned recognitio­n for its “Innovative Strange Women” project, empowering women artisans with modern marketing techniques and ensuring sustainabl­e income.

At the Individual Level, Maya bint Hamad al Hajriyah from the Omani Women’s Associatio­n in Bidiyah was honoured for her project aimed at equipping women and students with essential computer skills, fostering employment opportunit­ies and technical expertise.

Meanwhile, Ghaitha bint Khamis al Kaabiyah from the Omani Women’s Associatio­n in Qurayat received accolades for her “The Little Innovator” project, designed to nurture technologi­cal proficienc­y and creativity among school students.

 ?? ?? The event not only recognised exemplary projects but also set the stage for future endeavours, underscori­ng the transforma­tive power of partnershi­p and innovation
The event not only recognised exemplary projects but also set the stage for future endeavours, underscori­ng the transforma­tive power of partnershi­p and innovation

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