Oman Daily Observer

Kuwait media highlights His Majesty’s visit

- — ONA

The Kuwaiti News Agency, media outlets and newspapers published today devoted large spaces in their editorials and headlines to emphasise the great extent of the welcome to the ongoing state visit by His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik to the brotherly State of Kuwait.

The newspaper headlines and editorials emphasised the historical place the Sultanate of Oman achieved over the past three decades and the bilateral fraternal relations between the government­s and peoples of the two brotherly countries which are based on solid foundation­s of mutual respect, shared destiny and common strategic goals under the leadership of His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik and his brother Shaikh Mishal Al Ahmad Al Jaber al Sabah.

A news report prepared by the Kuwait News Agency, said that “After the historic visit of Shaikh Mishal Al Ahmad Al Jaber al Sabah, Emir of the State of Kuwait to the Sultanate of Oman on

February 6, comes the visit of His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik to the State of Kuwait which confirms the keenness of the leadership­s of the two brotherly countries to strengthen their historical relations and consolidat­e their bonds.

The visit of His Highness the Emir of the State of

Kuwait to Muscat launched a new phase of close relations between the two brotherly countries. During the visit the Emir of Kuwait held talks with His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik in a friendly atmosphere that reflected the spirit of brotherhoo­d and the shared desire for more cooperatio­n and coordinati­on at all levels, it said.

The report touched on the talks between the two brotherly countries, the process of the close fraternal relations binding them as well as the many aspects of bilateral cooperatio­n that support and strengthen these relations.

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