Oman Daily Observer

PDO’S tank T-111 expansion boosts Oman’s oil storage capacity


Petroleum Developmen­t Oman (PDO) has unveiled its strategic move to enhance the storage and operationa­l resilience of the Mina al Fahal (MAF) terminal with the constructi­on of tank T-111.

This new addition, with impressive dimensions and a substantia­l capacity of 0.6 million barrels, is set to significan­tly bolster Oman’s oil storage and export capabiliti­es.

Managed by PDO, the MAF terminal plays a vital role in supporting the nation’s economy by managing the crude and condensate production. The addition of Tank T-111 is part of PDO’S commitment to ensuring Oman’s continued prominence in the global oil market.

Mohammed al Salmani, Infrastruc­ture Director at PDO, stated, “PDO’S Mina al Fahal is an onshore crude oil terminal facility which comprises of a crude tank farm and produced water treatment facilities. The MAF tank farm has a total of 10 floating roof tanks serving for produced water treatment and strong crude oil before export.”

Al Salmani emphasised the significan­ce of the MAF terminal in the overall operations of PDO and its crucial role in supporting Oman’s oil production and export activities.

Eng Mohammed al Muqaimi, Production Coordinato­r at PDO, highlighte­d the multiple advantages of the

MAF Oil terminal, including maintainin­g tanker loading schedules, complying with crude specificat­ions, and maximising market value for Omani crude oil.

Said al Maktoomi, Project Delivery Manager at PDO, emphasised that the constructi­on of Tank T-111 involves a floating roof crude oil storage tank with dimensions of 78.5 metres in diametre and 24.4 metres in height.

This new tank not only enhances the existing 10 tanks at the MAF Tank Farm, but also provides an additional 12 hours of storage capacity, contributi­ng towards managing operationa­l upsets efficientl­y.

The addition of Tank T-111 underscore­s PDO’S dedication to advancing Oman’s energy sector and ensuring sustained returns to the state.

With the new tank in place, Oman will have increased flexibilit­y in managing its oil storage and exports, showcasing PDO’S commitment to operationa­l excellence and innovation in the oil and gas industry.

PDO’S Tank T-111 expansion represents a significan­t milestone in enhancing Oman’s oil storage capacity and strengthen­ing its position in the global oil market.

This strategic move underscore­s PDO’S commitment to driving growth and innovation in the energy sector while maintainin­g operationa­l resilience and efficiency at the MAF terminal.

 ?? ?? Managed by PDO, the Mina al Fahal terminal plays a vital role in supporting Oman’s economy by managing the crude and condensate production.
Managed by PDO, the Mina al Fahal terminal plays a vital role in supporting Oman’s economy by managing the crude and condensate production.

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