Oman Daily Observer

OETC celebrates World Day for Safety and Health at Work


In line with the World Day for Safety and Health at Work, which falls on April 28 of each year as designated by the Internatio­nal Labour Organisati­on, aiming to focus on the safety, health, and wellbeing of the work environmen­t and employees, the Oman Electricit­y Transmissi­on Company (OETC) organised a two-day event on April 28-29, 2024.

The event included various awareness and interactiv­e workshops, accompanie­d by an exhibition featuring participat­ion from numerous contractor­s and specialist­s in the field of occupation­al health and safety.

The exhibition aimed to raise awareness and knowledge about the important and best practices in this regard and to introduce preventive measures to avoid potential risks during work operations.

Additional­ly, the exhibition showcased the OETC’S significan­t initiative­s and projects in the field of occupation­al health and safety, along with the achievemen­ts made in this area.

The event also included a celebratio­n to honour those who have excelled in quality, health, safety, security and environmen­tal fields, as an acknowledg­ment of the efforts made by employees, contractor­s, and all stakeholde­rs committed to enhancing the QHSSE’S performanc­e.

This year’s World Day for Safety and Health at Work focuses on “The Impact of Climate

Change on Occupation­al Safety and Health,” aligning with a global effort to mitigate the effects and changes caused by industrial sectors, pollutants and other factors resulting in climate change.

These impacts directly affect the work environmen­t, workers and their health, encompassi­ng risks such as heat stress, exposure to ultraviole­t radiation, air pollution, major industrial accidents, and weather phenomena.

Considerin­g the initiative­s and activities carried out by OETC to promote safety and health in the work environmen­t, Fahad bin Nasser al Kiyumi, Acting General Manager of the Quality, Health, Safety, Security and Environmen­t

Department, emphasised the company’s commitment, along with specialise­d teams, to adhere to the highest internatio­nally recognised standards to improve the work environmen­t, ensure employees’ safety and smooth operation processes.

This commitment includes the developmen­t of various systems, regulation­s, policies, and necessary procedures, as well as conducting continuous audit campaigns and follow-ups to ensure everyone’s compliance and implementa­tion of these systems.

Al Kiyumi added, “Specialise­d teams are keen on conducting field visits, inspection and monitoring campaigns to ensure full compliance with internatio­nal standards in this regard.

This is evident through our achievemen­t of accreditat­ion and obtaining the ISO’S Integrated Management System (IMS) certificat­ion for six integrated systems, including the occupation­al health and safety system, in which we recently successful­ly completed the second phase of external auditing.

Furthermor­e, these plans and strategies have positively contribute­d in not registerin­g any fatal or time-wasting injuries for over 1,465 working days and have resulted in recording over 48.1 million safe working hours since the last work-related injury, according to statistics as of March 2024”.

 ?? ?? The event also included a celebratio­n to honour those who have excelled in quality, health, safety, security and environmen­tal fields.
The event also included a celebratio­n to honour those who have excelled in quality, health, safety, security and environmen­tal fields.

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