Oman Daily Observer

MSX registers biggest and only gain in GCC index


The GCC index witnessed a decline for the second consecutiv­e month in April 2024, with most global indices experienci­ng a broad-based decrease that impacted the performanc­e of regional markets, Kuwait-based Kamco Invest reported.

Despite this trend, Oman’s Muscat Stock Exchange (MSX) index emerged as a standout performer, registerin­g the biggest and only monthly gain in the GCC during the month at 3.2%, closing at 4,784.2 points.

This positive performanc­e amidst the overall decline highlights the resilience and strength of the Oman MSX market.

The Financial Index on the Oman exchange recorded a significan­t 5.5% increase during April-2024, closing the month at 7,763.1 points. This gain was mainly driven by increases in shares of companies such as Sohar Internatio­nal Bank (+22.7%) and Global Investment Holding Company (+18.0%). In comparison, the Industrial Index in Oman saw a 3.5% monthly gain while the Services Index experience­d a slight monthly drop of 0.8%.

In terms of company performanc­e on the MSX, Al Hassan Engineerin­g topped the gainers list with a share price increase of 92.3%, followed by Voltamp Energy and Muscat Thread Mills with monthly gains of 152.9% and 130.4% respective­ly.

On the decliner’s side, National Mineral Water Company led the chart with an 18.2% share price decrease, followed by Sharqiyah Desalinati­on Company and Musandam Power Company which witnessed share price drops of 15.4% and 10.3% respective­ly.

Trading activity on the Oman exchange saw a moderate decline during March-2024. Total volume of shares traded increased by 6.6% to 696.3 million shares in April-2024 compared to 653.4 million in March-2024.

Similarly, the total value traded in the exchange increased by 43.9% to RO 116.2 million against RO 80.7 million in March-2024. Ahli Bank led the monthly value traded chart with trades at RO 27.7 million, followed by Sohar Internatio­nal Bank and Bank Muscat with total value traded at RO 12.1 million and RO 11.7 million respective­ly.

For monthly volume traded, Ahli Bank topped the list with 191.2 million shares, followed by Sohar Internatio­nal Bank and OQ Gas Networks with volumes of 98.7 million shares and 45.5 million shares respective­ly.

 ?? ?? The positive performanc­e amidst the overall decline highlights the resilience and strength of MSX market.
The positive performanc­e amidst the overall decline highlights the resilience and strength of MSX market.

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