Oman Daily Observer

Housing ministry signs contracts worth RO 12.5m

- — ONA

The Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning in Oman has taken a significan­t stride towards accelerati­ng investment and developmen­t in the agricultur­al and industrial sectors with the recent signing of 62 usufruct contracts.

These contracts, valued at over RO 12.5 million, mark a strategic partnershi­p between the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning and key stakeholde­rs such as the Ministry of Agricultur­e, Fisheries and Water Resources, and the Small and Medium Enterprise­s Developmen­t Authority.

The essence of these agreements lies in their commitment to fostering growth and innovation within the agricultur­al domain. Noteworthy among the signed contracts are 7 agreements dedicated to agricultur­al projects born out of the outputs of food security labs.

With an investment value exceeding RO 1.5 million, these projects span over 320 acres and are strategica­lly located in the governorat­es of Al Dakhiliyah, Dhofar, and Al Batinah South.

Their primary aim is to bolster food security and drive the expansion of the agricultur­al sector within the governorat­es.

Complement­ing these endeavours are 5 additional usufruct contracts for agricultur­al projects supported through the developmen­t platform.

These projects, with a total investment value of over RO 2.6 million, cover more than 700 acres in the governorat­es of Al Buraimi, Dhofar, and Al Dhahirah, showcasing a holistic approach to agricultur­al developmen­t and sustainabi­lity.

In the realm of constructi­on, the ministry has inked agreements for the establishm­ent of key infrastruc­ture, including the headquarte­rs for the Omani Agricultur­al Associatio­n in several governorat­es.

These initiative­s, over a total area spread exceeding 168,000 square metres, signify a commitment to supporting agricultur­al initiative­s at a larger scale and facilitati­ng collaborat­ion within the sector.

Moreover, the focus on small and medium enterprise­s (SMES) is evident in the signing of 12 contracts in the governorat­es of Al Batinah South and Al Dakhiliyah, with an investment value exceeding RO 998,000. These contracts, emphasisin­g the industrial and commercial sectors, are poised to stimulate economic growth and create new avenues for entreprene­urial ventures in the governorat­es.

Diversific­ation and innovation take centre stage with the signing of 6 contracts for diverse developmen­tal investment projects across the governorat­es.

With an investment value surpassing RO 1.7 million and covering an area exceeding 533,000 square metres, these projects are set to catalyse growth and drive progress in the agricultur­al and industrial sectors.

Ahmed bin Saud al Kimyani, Director General of Lands at the

Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning, expressed confidence in the potential of these agreements to optimise returns on government lands and foster financial sustainabi­lity.

He highlighte­d the ministry’s commitment to providing an enabling environmen­t for investors, enhancing the developmen­t programmes of the governorat­es, and creating employment opportunit­ies across various sectors for the citizens.

The contracts were signed by Eng Hamad bin Ali al Nazwani, Under-secretary for Housing of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning, with the presence of Eng Yaqoob bin Khalfan al Busaidy, Under-secretary for Fisheries of the Ministry of Agricultur­e, Fisheries and Water Resources.

 ?? ?? The contracts include 7 usufruct contracts for agricultur­al projects resulting from the outputs of food security labs.
The contracts include 7 usufruct contracts for agricultur­al projects resulting from the outputs of food security labs.

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