Oman Daily Observer

AIPS Congress seeks to enhance skills of young journalist­s


The third day of the Internatio­nal Sports Press Associatio­n (AIPS) Congress discussed various topics concerning on the future of sports journalism, the impact of artificial intelligen­ce technology on the industry, highlighti­ng the importance of empowering young journalist­s through training and providing them with opportunit­ies to refine their skills.

Also, the congress addressed some presentati­ons on the Special Olympics and the Internatio­nal Fitness and Bodybuildi­ng Federation (IFBB) which shed light on upcoming sporting events in these fields. AIPS congress also reviewed the activities of continenta­l associatio­ns scheduled for the next two years.

The delegation of OJA, represente­d by Salim al Jahwari, Vice-chairman of OJA and Chairman of the Sports Press Committee, attended the awards ceremony of AIPS in various journalist­ic fields, including print and digital categories. The ceremony, held at Santa Susana pavilion, was attended by Joan Campolier, Mayor of the Santa

Susanna, Gianni Merlo, President of the AIPS, and several heads of internatio­nal sports associatio­ns.

Al Jahwari extended congratula­tions to all winners, particular­ly acknowledg­ing the achievemen­ts of Arab winners including the Yemeni photograph­er Akram Abdullah who won the Best Photo award


On another note, the Executive

Committee of the AIPS Asia meeting took place and the meeting chaired by South Korean Hee-dong. During the meeting which was attended by Ahmed al Kaabi, a member of the Executive committee, and other members, many agendas discussed including the decisions on the dates and venue for the Asian Congress as Kathmandu city in Nepal, selected as the venue for this year’s congress in September while Hong Kong proposed for the following year.

During the meeting, Salim al Jahwari delivered a solidarity statement on the Palestinia­n sports journalist­s emphasisin­g the OJA’S full commitment to supporting their colleagues. He condemned the recent executions of over 140 journalist­s during the recent conflict and called for stronger internatio­nal support and protection for Palestinia­n journalist­s. The Executive Committee of AIPS Asia commended Oman’s stance on the Palestinia­n issue and expressed solidarity with Palestinia­n journalist­s, hoping for stability and peace in the near future.

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 ?? ?? in the young photograph­ers category and young Jordanian journalist Marah Yousef was honoured for her investigat­ive report on the cycling sport in Jordan.
in the young photograph­ers category and young Jordanian journalist Marah Yousef was honoured for her investigat­ive report on the cycling sport in Jordan.

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