Oman Daily Observer

National Museum displays ‘Anis Al Hujjaj’ manuscript

- LAKSHMI KOTHANETH @lakshmioma­n

The National Museum on Wednesday unveiled the manuscript Anis Al Hujjaj, which will be display for the next four months. On loan from the Chhatrapat­i Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahala­ya in Mumbai, India, this manuscript serves as an illustrate­d guide to pilgrimage to Mecca and related rituals.

The manuscript was written by Safi bin Vali Qazvin after his pilgrimage journey in 1676 CE to Mecca. The manuscript will be displayed for four months in the ‘Oman and the World Gallery’ at the National Museum.

Anis Al Hajj or Anis Al Hujjaj features 28 detailed illustrati­ons depicting various ports in the Mughal Indian Sultanate and scenes from the pilgrimage. The author comprehens­ively documented the journey, beginning with the departure of the Indian pilgrim caravan from the port of Surat, traversing the Arabian Sea, docking at various ports such as Mukha and Jeddah, and finally reaching Mecca.

Jamal bin Hassan al Mousawi, Secretary-general of the National Museum, said in his speech during the ceremony: “The inaugurati­on of the manuscript Anis alhujjaj enhances awareness of Oman’s history and its strategic position as a hub of cultural and commercial exchange throughout the ages. The manuscript sheds light on an important historical period, the era of the Mughal Indian Sultanate, and contains (28) detailed illustrati­ons, including those depicting the pilgrim fleet in the Arabian Sea off the coast of Oman. These illustrati­ons document the types of wooden boats of that time, as well as the attire and looks of the travellers, among other details.” On his turn, Amit Narang, Ambassador of India to the Sultanate of Oman said: “India and Oman have deep rooted bilateral and historical relations. The arrival of Anisal Hujjaj manuscript on loan to the National Museum of Oman is a testimony to the excellent cooperatio­n between the Museums and institutio­ns of art and heritage of both countries.

Meanwhile, Dr Buddha Rashmi Mani, the Directorge­neral of the National Museum in New Delhi said that the Pilgrim’s Companion or Anis Al Hujjaj, the manuscript that has travelled from India on display, is a manuscript par excellence belonging to the medieval, Mughal period in India.

Anis Al Hujjaj brings to light various facets of the period including the glory of holy pilgrim sites of Haj and Umrah, requisite and preparatio­ns for pilgrimage, recommenda­tions on sea routes that connect India to the Gulf, specificat­ions of sea vessels/ships, medicinal details, and above all subjects like charity and welfare of poor people along with moral guidance to the pilgrims, among many other aspects.

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 ?? — ONA ?? On loan from the Chhatrapat­i Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahala­ya in Mumbai, India, this manuscript serves as an illustrate­d guide to pilgrimage to Mecca and related rituals.
— ONA On loan from the Chhatrapat­i Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahala­ya in Mumbai, India, this manuscript serves as an illustrate­d guide to pilgrimage to Mecca and related rituals.

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