Oman Daily Observer


Two students from Dakhiliyah win first places at regional competitio­n

- — ONA

The team of students from schools of the Sultanate of Oman won several awards in the second session of the Gulf Arts Festival, organised by the Arab Education Office in the United Arab Emirates, in competitio­n with students from schools of the Gulf Cooperatio­n Council countries, through three competitio­ns Arabic calligraph­y, drawing and theatre.

The play ‘The Rain Continues’ by the students of Al Batinah South Governorat­e won three awards (Best Music Award, Best Actress, and Best Group Performanc­e).

Meanwhile, Al Dakhiliyah Governorat­e won three awards, namely second place in the Arabic calligraph­y competitio­n for the student Basil bin Mohammed al

Rashdi from Abu Ubaida School for Basic Education, third place in the charcoal drawing competitio­n for the student Aya bint Saleh al Rashdiyah from Umm Al Khair School for Basic Education, and third place in the drawing with oil colours competitio­n for the student Alaa bint Sultan al Busaidiyah from Sheikha Nadira Al Riyami School.


Two female students from Al Dakhiliyah Governorat­e achieved first place in the Regional Organizati­on for the Protection of the Marine Environmen­t (ROPME) competitio­n at the level of the Arab world.

This year, the competitio­n was organised by the Regional Organizati­on for the Protection of the Marine Environmen­t in the sisterly State of Kuwait under the slogan ‘The Effects of Coral Reef Deteriorat­ion on Marine Life and Beaches’ and coincided with the celebratio­n of Environmen­t Day of the Region.

Maryam bint Ali al Riyamiyah said: “The idea of the competitio­n centred around the effect of pesticides on the seabed and on the living organisms and the damage resulting from pesticides. I drew the required painting while sticking to the conditions and specificat­ions. I participat­ed in this competitio­n last year and won third position and that was a strong motivation for me to achieve first place and raise the name of the Sultanate of Oman in various internatio­nal competitio­ns.” Nusaybah bint Nasser al Shammakhiy­ah from

Aisha Al Riyamiyah School, winner of the organisati­on’s Executive Secretary Award, said that the competitio­n had several stages beginning at the school level, then at the directorat­e level, and then selecting the best works to represent the Sultanate of Oman. I participat­ed with the required painting, sized 30 x 40 cm, on the topic that was determined by the organising committee. It took me seven days to finish the painting under direct supervisio­n from the school’s fine arts teachers regarding the use of colours and other technicali­ties.

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The play ‘The Rain Continues’ by the students of Al Batinah South Governorat­e won three awards (Best Music Award, Best Actress, and Best Group Performanc­e).

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