Oman Daily Observer

Oman hosts UNESCO regional meeting

- — ONA

The Sultanate of Oman is currently hosting the regional consultati­on meeting for the secretarie­s of the Arab National Commission­s for UNESCO.

The two-day meeting is organised by the Ministry of Education, represente­d by Omani National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, in cooperatio­n with the Secretaria­t of the United Nations for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO).

The meeting aims to discuss the contributi­on of the Arab countries to developing the organisati­on’s financial budget document and the programme for the period 2026-2029, and to involve the Arab countries in devising the organisati­on’s future strategies and plans in a bid to ensure that the organisati­on’s plans reflect the aspiration­s of the Arab countries and are consistent with their developmen­t plans.

The meeting is attended by Anthony Ohmeng Boama, Assistant Director-general of UNESCO for Africa and External Relations, the secretarie­s of the Arab National Committees and representa­tives of UNESCO field offices in the Arab region, in addition to representa­tives of national bodies related to the tasks and competenci­es of UNESCO and a number of employees of the secretaria­t of Oman National Commission for Education, Culture and Science.

A number of officials from the UNESCO headquarte­rs office and its field offices in the Arab countries are also participat­ing in the meeting via video communicat­ion technology.

It is worth noting that Oman National Commission for Education, Culture and Science held a consultati­ve meeting earlier this week with representa­tives of national bodies related to the tasks and competenci­es of the United Nations for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO) to discuss the preparatio­n for the regional consultati­on meeting of the secretarie­s of the Arab National Committees for UNESCO. The meeting aimed to come up with a joint national vision to benefit from UNESCO’S programmes in achieving progress towards the sustainabl­e developmen­t goals and list them on the agenda of the current meeting.

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