Oman Daily Observer

‘Made in Oman’ SUV to meet delivery target

- VINOD NAIR @vinot_nair

The first ‘Made in Oman’ electric SUV has been getting a favourable response from serious and potential buyers in line with the global demand for electric vehicles.

The first vehicle for commercial delivery is expected to roll out from the production line in Duqm during the last financial quarter, according to a company executive.

The prototype, which was recently introduced in the governorat­es of Al Batinah North and Muscat, is on display at the Oman Sustainabi­lity Week.

He added that the first SUVS will be delivered on a ‘firstorder­ed’ basis but the waiting period is not expected to be that long. Speaking to the Observer, the executive of Mays said that it has around 1,400 pre-orders, including 350 from within the

Sultanate of Oman.

The Mays ‘Alive 1’ will have two versions — one for families (with features such as sunroof) and another for companies. The SUV will be able to cover a distance of around 510 km on a single charge and fast charging can be done from anywhere, including at home.

“It would take three hours to fully charge a vehicle at home, while from outdoor public charging units, it would require around only 15 to 20 minutes.

The Mays ‘Alive 1’ has been designed to suit the climatic conditions of the GCC region.

Earlier, the company’s CEO and co-founder, Haider al Zaabi, had said that the focus has been on using locally available parts to reduce manufactur­ing costs and to reach the market faster.

The ‘Made in Oman’ product will open up job opportunit­ies in maintenanc­e and spare parts, the company said.

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 ?? ?? The SUV can cover a distance of around 510 km on a single charge.
The SUV can cover a distance of around 510 km on a single charge.

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