Oman Daily Observer

Oman bets on green hydrogen to fuel clean transporta­tion future


The foundation stone for the first green hydrogen station in the Sultanate of Oman will be laid later this month against the backdrop of the Oman Sustainabi­lity Week 2024 (OSW), which takes place in Muscat from April 28 – May 2, 2024.

The initiative is being spearheade­d by Oman Shell as part of its commitment to the country’s energy transition and Net-zero strategy.

According to Malak al Shaibani, Oman Shell’s General Manager of External Relations, the foundation ceremony will be held under the auspices of Eng Salim bin Nasser al Aufi, Minister of Energy and Minerals.

Sharing details about the initiative, Al Shaibani said: “Back in 2022, we actually launched the idea of green hydrogen for mobility during Oman Sustainabi­lity Week 2022.

And now, as we are in 2024, we will be laying the foundation of the first green hydrogen station. It will be opened under the auspices of Eng Salim al Aufi, Minister of Energy and Minerals, and before the end of this year, you will be able to see hydrogen cars arriving in Oman.”

The company official made the announceme­nt during the recent media briefing on OSW 2024.

Oman Shell is a Strategic Partner of the weeklong, highprofil­e event.

The hydrogen fuelling station stems from Oman Shell’s unveiling of a ‘Green Hydrogen for Mobility’ project as the company’s 6th Gift to the Nation.

As part of the first phase of the project, Oman Shell signed a Memorandum of Understand­ing (MOU) with Oman Airports. It enshrines a pledge by Oman Shell to provide up to 15 hydrogen cars for the Oman Airports’ corporate usage.

The mobility project will also include developmen­t of hydrogen production units that will be powered by photovolta­ic solar plants and installed at different fuelling units related to the project.

These stations will be selected strategica­lly to maximise benefits to the project and allow members of the public to have visibility of the technology.

The initiative’s ambitions extend beyond the constructi­on of a single hydrogen fuelling station.

The project aims to nurture the developmen­t of a comprehens­ive hydrogen economy within Oman. Stakeholde­rs, including government bodies, energy companies, and infrastruc­ture developers, are expected to collaborat­e to establish the necessary regulatory frameworks and standards for the widespread adoption of hydrogen technology.

This collaborat­ive approach is vital for attracting investment, streamlini­ng operations, and ensuring the long-term success of the hydrogen sector.

The potential benefits of hydrogen mobility are significan­t. Hydrogen-powered vehicles offer a cleaner alternativ­e to traditiona­l gasoline and diesel cars, potentiall­y leading to a substantia­l reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and improved air quality, aligning with Oman’s environmen­tal goals.

Additional­ly, hydrogen presents a promising avenue for diversifyi­ng Oman’s energy mix, reducing dependence on volatile fossil fuels and potentiall­y enhancing the country’s energy security and independen­ce.

This diversific­ation could have a positive impact on Oman’s trade

We will be laying the foundation of the first green hydrogen station. Before the end of this year, you will be able to see hydrogen cars arriving in Oman

MALAK AL SHAIBANI Oman Shell GM of External Relations

 ?? ?? Constructi­on of Oman’s first hydrogen fuelling station to commence shortly.
Constructi­on of Oman’s first hydrogen fuelling station to commence shortly.

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