Oman Daily Observer

Oman has abundant potential for solar PV investment


A new report of Solarpower Europe offers key insights into the Omani solar sector, and opportunit­ies for internatio­nal investment. The country will need to install minimum 13 GW solar by 2030.

The report, “Oman solar investment­s opportunit­ies”, provides an overview of Oman’s business environmen­t, and major macroecono­mic trends, while analysing the regulatory framework and infrastruc­ture network of the country.

It maps the Omani energy sector, including the energy mix; key stakeholde­rs and developmen­ts; and the policy and legislativ­e framework governing renewable energy generation.

This report also updates the

Oman chapter of Solarpower Europe’s 2021 report; “Middle East: Solar investment opportunit­ies.”

This revision contains the latest economic and political advancemen­ts in the country, and credible pathways for Oman to reach Net-zero by 2050, following the most recent auction announceme­nts, and the latest electricit­y tariffs and energy mix data.

The country will need to install a minimum of 13 GW of solar in total by 2030, to stay on track to reach Net-zero emissions by 2050. Moreover, the recommenda­tions have been revised to reflect the evolving dynamics of the Omani energy sector.

Katherine Poseidon, Chair of Solarpower Europe’s Global Markets Workstream, and Head of Strategy, Analytics & Process’ at Voltalia, stated; “There are no limits to Oman’s potential solar growth, as a country home to abundant natural resources. In an evolving regulatory and legislativ­e landscape, this report aims to make an important contributi­on to the country’s solar journey.”

Paolo Travaglini, Head of Area Coordinati­on Renewables Africa, Asia, Oceania at Eni Plenitude and former Chair of Solarpower Europe’s Global Markets Workstream, added: “Thanks to its high potential for renewable energy and a government very committed to taking a leadership role in the renewable energy sector and green hydrogen production, Oman has all the prerequisi­tes to become a success story of the energy transition and solar developmen­t.”

Benjamin Clarke, Global Markets Manager, Solarpower Europe: “Oman is primed to become a solar superstar. The country is going in the right direction on its journey to transition away from fossil fuels.

With this report, we want to guide the country in generating more investment in renewables, and unlocking the country’s true solar potential.”

Sonia Dunlop, CEO of the Global Solar Council said; “Oman has a unique opportunit­y here to show the world how to make the shift from being an oil and gas power, to a solar power.

With the right market structure, grid infrastruc­ture, and investment, the country can seize this opportunit­y to secure economic growth and jobs in its Net-zero future.

The publicatio­n was drafted by Solarpower Europe’s Global Markets workstream. The workstream launched in March 2018 to identify new avenues for worldwide business and cooperatio­n, and contribute to the global energy transition.

 ?? ?? Bird’s eye view of Ibri2 Solar IPP. Image for illustrati­on only.
Bird’s eye view of Ibri2 Solar IPP. Image for illustrati­on only.

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