Oman Daily Observer

Türkiye says ending occupation first priority of world powers

- — Agencies

Tension between Israel and Iran should not distract from the situation in Gaza and the first priority of the internatio­nal community should be ending the Israeli occupation of Palestinia­n territorie­s, Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said.

Fidan was speaking in Istanbul on Saturday during a visit by Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, who urged Iran and Israel to exercise restraint.

Shoukry’s visit to Türkiye comes amid high tensions in the Middle East following the apparent Israeli attack on Iran. Israel has said nothing about the incident.

Speaking at a joint news conference with Fidan, Shoukry said there was concern in the region over the ongoing escalation.

Fidan said the main cause of instabilit­y in the Middle East was Israel’s occupation of Palestinia­n territorie­s and Western backing for Israel.

“Any developmen­t that could distract us from this fact should be ignored,” he said. “Our first priority should be ending Israel’s occupation in Palestine and a two-state solution.”

He said he and Shoukry discussed efforts for delivering more humanitari­an aid to Gaza. Separately, Shoukry said Egypt would host a Turkish delegation to prepare for a visit by Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-sisi to Türkiye at a future date.

Meanwhile, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan urged Palestinia­ns to unite amid Israel’s war in Gaza, following hourslong talks with Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh in Istanbul on Saturday, his office said. “It is vital that Palestinia­ns act with unity in this process. The strongest response to Israel and the path to victory lie in unity and integrity,” Erdogan said according to a Turkish presidency statement. Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan discussed efforts to reach a ceasefire in Gaza and deliver humanitari­an aid there with Haniyeh during the meeting, state broadcaste­r TRT said.

Israel’s military offensive in the Gaza Strip has killed at least 34,049 Palestinia­ns and wounded 76,901 since October 7, the Palestinia­n enclave’s health ministry said on Saturday.

Thirty-seven Palestinia­ns have been killed and 68 injured in the past 24 hours, the ministry added in a statement.

 ?? — AFP ?? Palestinia­ns fill canisters with water from a hose in Deir el-balah.
— AFP Palestinia­ns fill canisters with water from a hose in Deir el-balah.

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