Oman Daily Observer



RAMALLAH: The Palestinia­n Authority will “reconsider” its relationsh­ip with the United States after Washington vetoed a Palestinia­n bid for full UN membership earlier this week, President Mahmud Abbas said on Saturday.

“The Palestinia­n leadership will reconsider bilateral relations with the United States to ensure the protection of our people’s interests, our cause, and our rights,” Abbas told the official Palestinia­n news agency Wafa.

Wafa said his remarks came “on the heels of the United States’ use of veto power” at the UN

Security Council.

Thursday’s vote saw 12 countries on the Council back a resolution recommendi­ng full Palestinia­n membership and two — Britain and Switzerlan­d — abstain.

Only the United States, Israel’s staunchest ally, voted against, using its veto to block the resolution.

Abbas said the Palestinia­n leadership will “develop a new strategy to protect Palestinia­n national decisions independen­tly and follow a Palestinia­n agenda rather than an American vision or regional agendas”.

He said Palestinia­ns would “not remain hostage to policies that have proven their failure and have been exposed to the entire world”.

And he said the stance of the US government had “generated unpreceden­ted anger among the Palestinia­n people and the region’s population­s, potentiall­y pushing the region towards further instabilit­y, chaos and terrorism”.

Meanwhile, Iran has dismissed as akin to child’s play Israel’s reported retaliatio­n for an unpreceden­ted Iranian strike, as both sides on Saturday appeared to step back from wider conflict stemming from the war in Gaza.

However, a deadly blast at an Iraqi military base emphasised the high tensions which persist in the region, as did more deadly Israeli strikes in Gaza and intensifyi­ng clashes in the West Bank.

Fears have soared this month that escalating tit-for-tat attacks between Israel and Iran could tip over into a broader war in the Middle East.

Israel had warned it would hit back after Iran launched more than 300 missiles and drones a week ago in its first-ever direct attack on its arch enemy’s territory.

 ?? — AFP ?? A Palestinia­n woman and children check the rubble of a building hit by overnight Israeli bombing in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.
— AFP A Palestinia­n woman and children check the rubble of a building hit by overnight Israeli bombing in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.

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