Oman Daily Observer

South Korea marks 10th anniversar­y of ferry disaster

- — AFP

South Korea on Tuesday marked the 10th anniversar­y of the country’s worst maritime disaster, when hundreds of schoolchil­dren died after the overloaded Sewol ferry capsized and sank. The disaster and botched rescue efforts dealt a crushing blow to thenpresid­ent Park Geun-hye, who was eventually impeached in 2017, and the tragedy remains divisive and politicall­y sensitive in South Korea even now.

A Coast Guard vessel took some of the victims’ families to the site of the sinking early on Tuesday for a special ceremony.

At the site off South Korea’s south coast — marked by a yellow buoy — the families called out the names of the deceased and threw flowers into the water, followed by a moment of silence.

President Yoon Suk Yeol, whose party was dealt a crushing defeat in parliament­ary elections last week, offered his condolence­s to the families of victims at a Tuesday cabinet meeting.

“Even though 10 years have passed, the events of April 16, 2014, remain vivid in my memory,” he said. “I pray for the repose of the unfortunat­e victims and once again extend my deepest condolence­s to the bereaved families.”

In the afternoon, a memorial service was held in southern port city of Mokpo, where the wreckage of the Sewol, which was salvaged in a complex operation, is now on display. Jo Young-gyu, general secretary of the minor Justice Party’s South Jeolla branch, said his “heart still aches when I think about” the tragedy a decade ago.

“Every year, every anniversar­y, I think there should be more emphasis on social responsibi­lity for safety and life.”

Experts say that the current government’s handling of the Itaewon disaster and the marine’s death proved an electoral liability.

The daily schedule for Tuesday released by President Yoon’s office did not list attending any of the Sewol memorial services being held throughout the day.

The decision sparked criticism from the public and political figures, with the minor Justice Party claiming that Yoon attending the memorial service would show the kind of “act of government­al renewal” which the public wished to see after the general elections.

 ?? — AFP ?? Guests bow their heads during a moment of silence during a remembranc­e ceremony in front of the salvaged Sewol ferry at a port in Mokpo, South Jeolla Province.
— AFP Guests bow their heads during a moment of silence during a remembranc­e ceremony in front of the salvaged Sewol ferry at a port in Mokpo, South Jeolla Province.

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