Oman Daily Observer

Oman’s pavilion at Venice Internatio­nal Art Biennale 2024 to open on Friday


On Friday April 19, the Sultanate of Oman will participat­e with a pavilion in Venice Internatio­nal Art Biennale 2024 (the 60th edition of the art event), titled ‘Foreigners Everywhere.’ The exhibition’s activities will continue until November 24.

The opening of ceremony Oman’s pavilion will be held under the auspices of HH Sayyid Dr Kamil bin Fahd al Said, Secretary-general of the General Secretaria­t of the Council of Ministers.

Oman has its own independen­t pavilion in a unique location. The event offers Oman an opportunit­y to further expand its drive for global influence


Since its inception in 1895, Venice Biennale has been one of the world’s most important internatio­nal art events. The expo is organised every two years and each country showcases its national works of art in its pavilions.

Oman has its own independen­t pavilion in a unique location. The event offers Oman an opportunit­y to further expand its drive for global influence. The pavilion, which occupies a total area of 300 square metres, is located near the historic Piazza

San Marco, the beating heart of Venice. This will allow artists to display artworks independen­tly and contribute to highlighti­ng Omani art globally, enhancing the visibility of the Omani artistic and cultural identity and expanding the country’s cultural communicat­ion networks and scopes for future cooperatio­n with other countries.

The pavilion is expected to attract about 2,000 visitors daily.

Omani artists who will attend the Biennale include Alia al Farsi, Dr Ali al Jabri, Issa al Mufarji, Adham al Farsi and Sarah al Awlaki. During the Biennale, the Sultanate of Oman will hold special programmes and workshops in the field of modern art.

 ?? — ONA ?? The event offers Oman an opportunit­y to further expand its drive for global influence.
— ONA The event offers Oman an opportunit­y to further expand its drive for global influence.

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