Oman Daily Observer

Businesses told to protect workers, equipment in light of heavy rains


Most of the governorat­es witnessed heavy rains accompanie­d by strong winds, leading to floods in some areas and power outages in other areas. According to local sources, the rains continued in Shinas for long hours, causing floods in low-lying areas and the closure of some roads.

Emergency teams are currently working to repair the damage and restore essential services to affected areas.

The Ministry of Labor warned business owners to take the necessary precaution­s to protect workers and property in light of the prevailing weather conditions.

The warning included several tips and guidelines for business owners, including regularly following up on weather warnings and updates issued by the official authoritie­s and informing workers of them, and securing all light tools and equipment like cranes in open spaces.

During rains, workers must stay in buildings, avoid lowlying areas, postpone driving vehicles and business trips unless necessary.

It also asked to pause excavation during rains. As for hazardous materials, the ministry said that all chemicals and hazardous materials must be secured in a designated place to prevent leakage or damage.

Workers should stay away from high areas, work platforms, and scaffoldin­g during weather conditions. Workers should also be warned not to take risks and cross valleys.

The employer or his representa­tive must share the emergency numbers of the competent authoritie­s with the workers.

Business owners must suspend work in case of danger, while workers are responsibl­e for their safety.

Cooperatio­n between employers and workers is essential to ensure the safety of everyone in the work environmen­t.

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