Oman Daily Observer

Work to restore normalcy in full swing

- AFRAH AL BALUSHI @afrahalbal­ushia

Authoritie­s removed rocks from the roads, drained water from flooded residentia­l areas, and evacuated people from low-lying places as heavy rains lashed several governorat­es on Tuesday.

The Ministry of Transport, Communicat­ions and Informatio­n Technology along with municipali­ties have taken the necessary measures to facilitate traffic and ensure safety of motorists.

Abdulaziz bin Fahd al Nusairi, Director of the Roads Department in Al Sharqiyah North Governorat­e, said the ministry is taking all efforts to remove mud and rocks from affected roads. He said that the ministry made a rapid response to clear the Sinawmahou­t road. The ministry also cleared rocks on the Qurayat-sur dual carriagewa­y.

Similar works are underway on the Al Sharqiya Expressway, Al

Fulaij-wadi Bani Jaber road, Al Kamil W’al Wafi-sur road, Wadi Al Sin and Wadi Bani Kharous roads.

Municipali­ties in rain-hit governorat­es removed rocks and fallen trees from many streets. It drained water from flooded areas.

Authoritie­s evacuated 280 citizens and residents to shelters, six of which are in the Musandam Governorat­e, one each in Al Buraimi and Al Sharqiyah North.

A number of citizens and residents were transferre­d as a precaution to shelter centres in the Kamzar and Lima areas and transferre­d to the Wilayat of Khasab. Royal Oman Police helicopter­s conducted several rescue operations in coordinati­on with the Royal Air Force of Oman.

”There were 90 rescue operations,” said Major Rukn Ali bin Abdullah al Kasbi, Department of Security Relations and Media at the Royal Oman Police.

Hospitals are also ready to face health emergency situations. The Royal Oman Police and the Royal Air Force of Oman airlifted seven patients. Dr Mohammad bin Saif al Bousafi, Director of the Emergency Management Centre at the Ministry of Health, said 13 injuries were reported due to traffic accidents and four were rescued from drowning.

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 ?? ?? Municipali­ties in rain-hit governorat­es removed rocks and fallen trees from many streets.
Municipali­ties in rain-hit governorat­es removed rocks and fallen trees from many streets.

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