Oman Daily Observer

Oil prices hold gains on upbeat China trade data

- Reuters

SINGAPORE: Oil prices held steady on Thursday, holding onto overnight gains after upbeat Chinese trade data and after US data showed a smaller-thanexpect­ed rise in crude inventorie­s and large draws in fuel stocks.

However, expectatio­ns that US interest rate cuts could be delayed capped gains.

Brent crude futures slipped 8 cents to $82.88 a barrel by 07:36 GMT, while US West Texas Intermedia­te crude futures inched down 7 cents to $79.06 a barrel despite China’s import and export growth beating estimates.

“China’s trade balance data is a positive sign for the oil market’s demand outlook,” Aucklandba­sed independen­t analyst Tina Teng said.

However, she added that riskoff sentiment dominated financial markets as stocks are retreating on Wall Street.

The world’s top crude importer posted a 5.1% rise in imports in the first two months of 2024 from a year earlier to about 10.74 million barrels per day (bpd), customs data showed on Thursday, as refiners ramped up crude purchases to meet fuel sales during the Lunar New Year holiday.

China’s January-february refined products exports dropped 30.6% on year to 8.82 million tonnes, reducing supplies for global markets.

Upbeat trade data from China, the world’s secondbigg­est economy, suggests global trade is turning a corner in an encouragin­g signal for policymake­rs as they try to shore up a stuttering economic recovery.

Brent and WTI edged up about 1% on Wednesday after crude inventorie­s rose for a sixth week in a row, building by 1.4 million barrels, about two-thirds of the 2.1 million-barrel rise analysts had forecast in a Reuters poll.

Gasoline and distillate stocks fell more than expected, the EIA data also showed.

A strong US dollar will maintain the status quo in the near term, as markets brace for a risk the US Federal Reserve’s first interest rate cut gets delayed to the second half of this year, according to a Reuters poll of foreign exchange strategist­s.

Fed Chair Jerome Powell said continued progress on inflation “is not assured”, though the US central bank still expects to reduce its benchmark interest rate this year. —

China’s trade balance data is a positive sign for the oil market’s demand outlook

TINA TENG Auckland-based independen­t analyst

 ?? Reuters ?? Illustrati­on shows miniatures of oil barrels and rising stock graph. —
Reuters Illustrati­on shows miniatures of oil barrels and rising stock graph. —

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