Oman Daily Observer

China’s exports top forecasts as global demand returns


China’s export and import growth in the Januaryfeb­ruary period beat forecasts, suggesting global trade is turning a corner in an encouragin­g signal for policymake­rs as they try to shore up a stuttering economic recovery.

China’s improved export data joins those of South Korea and Germany, and Taiwan, who all saw their shipments top expectatio­ns over the first two months of the year, with the Asian economies benefiting from a surge in demand for semiconduc­tors.

Exports from the world’s second-biggest economy in the two months were 7.1% higher than a year before, customs data showed on Thursday, beating a Reuters a poll that expected an increase of 1.9%. Imports were up 3.5%, compared with a poll forecast for growth of 1.5%.

“The better-than-forecast data echoes a recovery in global trade driven by the electronic­s sector, but also benefits from a low base effect, as export growth in January-february 2023 was -6.8%,” said Xu Tianchen, senior economist at the Economist Intelligen­ce Unit.

The customs agency publishes combined January and February trade data to smooth out distortion­s caused by the shifting timing of the Lunar New Year, which this year fell in February.

Chinese Premier Li Qiang on Tuesday announced a 2024 economic growth target similar to last year of around 5% and promised to transform the country’s developmen­t model, which is heavily reliant on exporting finished goods and industrial overcapaci­ty.

Policymake­rs have been grappling with sub-par growth over the past year amid a property crisis and as consumers hold off spending, foreign firms divest, manufactur­ers struggle for buyers, and local government­s contend with huge debt burdens.

They will need to see a sustained rebound in exports to be convinced that the crucial growth engine will help bolster the economy. In contrast to the trade data, for instance, manufactur­ing activity in China in February shrank for a fifth month, according to the government’s purchasing managers’ index released a week ago, while new export orders decreased for an 11th consecutiv­e month.

“After accounting for changes in export prices and for seasonalit­y, we estimate that export volumes rose significan­tly in January and February, hitting a fresh high,” said Huang Zichun, China economist at Capital Economics, in a note.

“We doubt the sustainabi­lity of this strength, however, since exporters now have more limited scope to reduce prices to secure market share,” she added.

Some economists, including Huang, point out that at least some of the recent export gains could be attributed to Chinese manufactur­ers slashing prices to secure orders.


Market reaction to the trade data was largely muted. China’s blue chip CSI300 stock index fell 0.32%, while Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index dropped 0.47%.

China’s trade surplus grew to $125.16 billion, compared with a forecast of $103.7 billion in the poll and $75.3 billion in December.

Separate commoditie­s data, also released on the day, showed the Asian giant’s imports of crude oil rose 5.1% in the first two months of 2024 year-on-year, as refiners ramped up purchases to meet fuel sales during the Lunar New Year holiday, and copper imports increased by 2.6%. —

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