Oman Daily Observer

Moldova signs defence agreement with France amid Russia fears

- — Reuters

Moldova’s president on Thursday signed a defence cooperatio­n accord with France, warning that Russia was renewing efforts to destabilis­e her country and that if President Vladimir Putin was not stopped in Ukraine he would keep going.

Maia Sandu’s visit to Paris, also to sign an economic roadmap, comes as Western states seek to strengthen the former Soviet state’s capabiliti­es amid what they fear are increasing destabilis­ation efforts by Russia.

“If the aggressor is not stopped, he will keep going, and the front line will keep moving closer. Closer to us. Closer to you,” Sandu said. “Europe must therefore present a united front.”

Moldova, a western neighbour of Ukraine with a tiny defence budget, has seen long tense relations with Moscow worsen as it backs Ukraine in the war.

Russia has troops and peacekeepe­rs based in

Transdnies­tria, a breakaway statelet of Moldova that has maintained its autonomy for three decades with Kremlin support.

Moscow says it was forced to intervene in Ukraine two years ago to protect itself against aggression and threats from the NATO military alliance and that claims of further territoria­l ambitions are unfounded scaremonge­ring by the West.

The defence accord sets the legal framework for future training, regular dialogue and intelligen­ce sharing.

A French defence mission will open in Moldova’s capital Chisinau by the summer to help assess needs and talks have begun on possible weapons’ contracts, the French defence ministry said.

President Emmanuel Macron said the agreement marked France’s determinat­ion to protect and help Moldova.

 ?? — Reuters ?? Moldova’s President Maia Sandu shakes hands with French President Emmanuel Macron before a meeting at the Elysee Palace in Paris on Thursday.
— Reuters Moldova’s President Maia Sandu shakes hands with French President Emmanuel Macron before a meeting at the Elysee Palace in Paris on Thursday.

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