Oman Daily Observer

Sidrah 2.0 celebrates graduation of 60 young Omani women


Sidrah 2.0, a youth leadership programme for Omani women ages 20-30, recently celebrated the graduation of 60 participan­ts representi­ng nine governorat­es from its multifacet­ed developmen­t programme.

Under the auspices of Sayyidah Rawan bint Ahmed al Busaidiyah, Member of the State Council, the ceremony not only highlights the personal growth of each participan­t, but the evolvement of the programme itself, reaffirmin­g its dedication to developing effective programmes to support the next generation of female leaders.

Co-created and executed by Lahunna Oman and Outward Bound Oman, Sidrah 2.0 delivered a robust programme that successful­ly forges skilled, ethical leaders in line with the Oman Vision 2040 objectives.

This second iteration received over 1,000 applicatio­ns, with the top candidates being selected for their willingnes­s to learn and contribute to positive change in Oman.

The programme included camping and hiking, in-person workshops, group coaching, personal coaching, online learning and community service.

It also provided an ensemble of exercises, conducive to fostering both self-developmen­t and profession­al developmen­t. Within this enriching environmen­t, participan­ts reported significan­t improvemen­ts in self-awareness, confidence, and the ability to collaborat­e effectivel­y.

HH Sayyid Faisal bin Turki al Said, Patron of OBO said, “Since its establishm­ent in 2009, Outward Bound Oman has taken on the responsibi­lity of training and developing the human capital in the Sultanate of Oman, encompassi­ng both males and females.

In our collaborat­ion with Lahunna Oman, we reiterate our dedication to the Oman’s approach, which recognises women’s rightful contributi­on to advancing developmen­t and strives to provide them with suitable opportunit­ies for growth and prosperity.”

Shatha bint Salim al Maskiriyah, Lahunna’s Founder, said, “The graduation of these 60 women marks a strategic stride towards realising Oman’s Vision 2040, with female leadership at its heart.

Through Sidrah 2.0, we are nurturing promising individual­s who will spearhead innovation and sustainabl­e developmen­t in Oman.

At Lahunna, we eagerly anticipate the bright futures awaiting these remarkable individual­s.”

The ceremony marks 104 total Sidrah alumni, whose achievemen­ts extend far beyond the programme.

Among Sidrah 2.0 graduates, many report launching their own businesses, securing jobs, garnering prestigiou­s awards, completing advanced degree programmes and earning scholarshi­ps.

 ?? ?? Sidrah 2.0 delivered a robust programme that successful­ly forges skilled, ethical leaders in line with the Oman Vision 2040 objectives.
Sidrah 2.0 delivered a robust programme that successful­ly forges skilled, ethical leaders in line with the Oman Vision 2040 objectives.

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