Oman Daily Observer

Bahrain’s project on developing sporting talents claims first place of Sports Hackathon


The project “Discoverin­g, Nurturing, and Developing Sports Talents” from the Kingdom of Bahrain won first place at the conclusion of the GCC Women’s Sports Hackathon event, organized by Oman Olympic Committee (OOC), represente­d by Oman Women’s Sports and Gender Equality Committee, over two continuous days, where the closing ceremony was held the day before, “Monday.” at the Youth Centre under the auspices of His Highness Sayyid Shihab bin Harib bin Thuwaini al Said and in the presence of Sayyidah Sanaa bint Hamad al Busaidiyah, Chairperso­n of Oman for Women’s Sports and Gender Equality Committee, and a number of OOC Board of Directors and members of Oman Women’s Sports and Gender Equality Committee and participan­ts in the hackathon from GCC countries. Promoting women’s sports At the beginning of the ceremony, Sayyidah Sanaa bint

Hamad al Busaidiyah, Chairperso­n of Oman Women’s Sports and Gender Equality Committee, delivered the opening speech, during which she welcomed the attendees. She pointed out the great developmen­ts that women’s sports have witnessed at the GCC level, the efforts made in this regard, and the organisati­on of combined and individual championsh­ips for different categories, which It contribute­d to achieving rapid growth and desired developmen­t in the various specialisa­tions of women’s sports committees, in line with modern trends in women’s sports in light of the expertise and experience gained.

The opening ceremony included a video presentati­on showing the programmes and workshops that were held over two days, in addition to brainstorm­ing sessions and a summary of each project presented by the six teams. Various projects and initiative­s The projects and initiative­s presented were distinguis­hed by their diversity, as each team created a different project in terms of field and concept.

The Kingdom of Bahrain team presented the project “Discovery, Nurturing and Developing Sports Talents” in all sports for both genders in the junior category, while Oman “First” team presented the initiative to form an integrated volunteer team to serve sporting events and activities related to the women’s side. As for the Kuwaiti team, it presented the idea of reducing sports injuries through the use of profession­al trainers in the sports, psychologi­cal, and nutritiona­l aspects, while the United Arab Emirates team presented a project to create an applicatio­n that specialise­s in booking sports facilities available in the GCC countries and supports all segments of society. Oman “Second” team presented the project to establish the GCC Women’s Centre for Sports Investment to support all community sports initiative­s from all GCC countries, while the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia team presented the “Our Hero” project, which is concerned with spreading women’s sports culture in primary schools from the age of 5 to 12 years. One year with the aim of preparing children to acquire multiple sports skills.

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