Oman Daily Observer

Kerry bolsters US climate reputation


As John Kerry prepares to depart as President Joe Biden’s special envoy on climate change on Wednesday, he leaves the United States in a stronger position in global climate diplomacy despite lingering mistrust on the world stage over American policy intentions. The 80-year-old Kerry, capping off over six decades in public service, is credited with restoring US climate ties with China and courting private capital for climate action. But these accomplish­ments were made even as the United States has become the world’s biggest producer of climate-polluting oil and gas.

In an interview ahead of his departure, Kerry said he plans to continue climate advocacy outside of government, though he did not specify whether he will join any boards or organisati­ons.

“I will be in a better position to be able to try to leverage, push, cajole, work at the effort” after leaving his envoy post, Kerry said.

John Podesta, named by Biden to succeed Kerry, faces a challengin­g year on climate policy in the runup to the November 5 US election in which Biden, a Democrat, is seeking re-election, with former President Donald Trump the runaway frontrunne­r for the Republican nomination to challenge him. According to news reports, Biden’s administra­tion may weaken proposed climate regulation­s for power plants, automobile­s and climate financial disclosure­s amid resistance from industry and other groups.

Kerry assumed the envoy post in 2021 after Trump, during his four years as president, reversed American leadership on climate issues. Trump withdrew the United States from the 2015 Paris agreement that commits most of the world’s nations to combating climate change — and has threatened to do it again if he wins the election.

Kerry’s efforts have been hamstrung by a politicall­y divided Congress constraini­ng what the United States could offer in climate finance, with Republican­s resisting Democratic efforts.

“This is a glaring challenge for US climate policy, and the whole world knows that both political parties are not on board with the agenda,” Samantha Power, administra­tor of the US Agency for Internatio­nal Developmen­t, said in an interview.

Kerry turned to building public-private sector coalitions to create momentum, Power added.

Under the 2021 Global Methane Pledge, almost 150 countries pledged to slash methane emissions and raised more than $1 billion in grant-funding. The First Movers Coalition involved nearly 100 companies including automaker Ford and cementmake­r Holcim pledging to buy new climatefri­endlier technologi­es. Through Kerry, the United States also joined other Western government­s and banks in launching “just transition” partnershi­ps with South Africa, Indonesia and Vietnam aimed at shuttering coal plants.

Kerry has had “one hand tied behind his back,” said Oxford University professor Rachel Kyte, a former World Bank and UN climate official.

“He’s tried to find numerous creative ways to keep the conversati­on moving forward. Time will tell whether these initiative­s get off the ground,” Kyte added. Kerry acknowledg­ed a “dangerous trend” in recent weeks, with investment firms including Blackrock and Jpmorgan rolling back climate commitment­s. “I’m concerned about anything that pushes back against common sense, good policy, without presenting an alternativ­e,” Kerry said.


 ?? Valerie Volcovici ?? The writer covers US climate and energy policy from Washington, DC
Valerie Volcovici The writer covers US climate and energy policy from Washington, DC

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