Oman Daily Observer

Farm in Salalah discovers new type of banana plant


Specialist­s under the management of Razat Royal Farm affiliated to the Royal Court Affairs in Salalah, successful­ly made a new discovery of a new type of a banana plant after its appearance in its natural form, as a result of its spontaneou­s mutation classified as the Williams [AAA] Class, one of the main types that are cultivated in the Sultanate of Oman that belongs to the Cavendish Collection.

According to Oman News Agency, the work begun by choosing some small seedlings from this new type in 2015 and its cultivatio­n was monitored over a period of 3 years and through this procedure, a new type of the banana plant was produced.

It turns out that the new type of the banana plant that was produced had a distinct genetic characteri­stics, in addition to its good adaptabili­ty with the soil, water and weather conditions.

It was characteri­sed by the length of the stem that carries the flower was shorter than the original; which considered a positive factor to carry the cluster and protect it from wind damage, and it all came into fruition after confirming the genetic stability of this type and its results and through making a comparison between the new type and the original type “Williams.”

The new type is characteri­sed by its strong leaves and an early harvest in three weeks time in comparison to the original type, which also had a heavier weight and straight banana stems that are less curved. In order to enhance the economic growth and in addition to its scientific importance, this new type was called ‘Razat Banana’, in reference to that farm where it was discovered in.

 ?? ?? The new type is characteri­sed by its strong leaves and early harvest
The new type is characteri­sed by its strong leaves and early harvest

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