Oman Daily Observer


- VINOD NAIR @vinot_nair

The Minister of Housing and Urban Planning (MOHUP) has issued a decision 200/2024 for regulating the addressing system in the Sultanate of Oman, which will include a geographic descriptio­n to identify the location of a specific place.

The regulation­s will cover naming and numbering neighbourh­oods, streets, roads, public squares, residences, and facilities. It will be prohibited to change or modify the use of the approved address data.

A property owner will be obligated to place address plates on buildings, residentia­l or commercial complexes, and their internal units.

The decision stated that the ministry shall establish an intelligen­t and advanced addressing system, and for this purpose, it may develop a General Unified Addressing System in the governorat­es.

The basic elements should consist of the governorat­e’s name, the wilayat’s name, the street’s name, and the unit number.

The sub-elements should include the city name - village name - neighbourh­ood name.

The ministry will be responsibl­e for establishi­ng a central national database related to address, and each governorat­e must provide the ministry with this data continuous­ly through the available databases.

The ministry is responsibl­e for managing the central national database related to addressing, and for this purpose, it will develop a classifica­tion for the central national database - as open and classified data, maintain data security, and ensure the accuracy of data received from the governorat­es.

It will also determine fees for using the classified addressing system data after the approval of the Ministry of Finance.

The governorat­e shall implement the addressing in coordinati­on with the competent municipali­ty and ensure that the data is updated in the event of changing the address or creating a new address, determinin­g and assigning the approved names for streets, if they are distinctiv­e in the state, and writing names in Arabic.

When writing names in Latin letters, care must be taken to transcribe them literally and alphabetic­ally from the Arabic language according to the mechanism prepared by the concerned authority.

It should consider the integratio­n of addressing requests with the governorat­e’s database for the addressing system, notifying the address unit owner of the address, whether there is a change in the address or not, and it is considered.

The address is official after the governorat­e creates the addressing data in its database.

Benefits The Unified Addressing System will facilitate the delivery of emergency services such as ambulance and civil defence, assist the supply of postal and telephone services, and electricit­y and water invoices, save time to reach the intended destinatio­n, address proof in official records like; ID cards, residence permits, driving licenses and help in the planning and decision-making process related to urban expansion.

 ?? ?? The decision stated that the ministry shall establish an intelligen­t and advanced addressing system.
The decision stated that the ministry shall establish an intelligen­t and advanced addressing system.

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