Oman Daily Observer

Science, technology, engineerin­g, mathematic­s — jobs of future


Science, technology, engineerin­g and mathematic­s (STEM) have emerged as one of the most significan­t fields in an era of innovation and rapid technologi­cal progress, providing various and interestin­g work prospects for students and profession­als.

STEM careers play a pivotal role in shaping the future by developing technology and addressing current societal challenges. Whether it is in medicine and bio-therapeuti­cs, in renewable energy and sustainabi­lity, or in communicat­ions and informatio­n technology, these industries require advanced scientific and technical skills.

Currently, there is a rising demand for profession­als with strong expertise in STEM fields. Advanced technology, such as artificial intelligen­ce and data analysis, forms an integral part of daily life and opens new horizons for innovation and developmen­t.

Investing in STEM education and training is a strategic investment in the future, does not only create diverse employment opportunit­ies but also significan­tly contribute­s to economic growth, societal progress and overall prosperity.

Recently, the General Directorat­e of Education in Al Dakhiliyah Governorat­e organised activities and events for the National Week of Science, Technology,

Engineerin­g and Mathematic­s (STEM) for the year 2024, which lasts for five consecutiv­e days.

The week’s programmes were allocated to a variety of institutio­ns, including schools, cultural centres, educationa­l facilities and research centres within the governorat­e.

The primary objective is to enhance awareness and foster interest in scientific and technologi­cal fields among students and youth.

This year’s events were distinguis­hed by their emphasis on various key areas, such as energy resources, green jobs, human resources, mineral wealth, water management, animal and agricultur­al resources, waste management, carbon neutrality, sustainabl­e constructi­on and sustainabl­e transporta­tion.

The 2024 edition included the implementa­tion of 27 diverse activities, spread across workshops, discovery trips, innovation competitio­ns and scientific hackathons.

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 ?? ?? STEM careers play a pivotal role in shaping the future by developing technology and addressing current societal challenges
STEM careers play a pivotal role in shaping the future by developing technology and addressing current societal challenges

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