Oman Daily Observer

2023 was an uncharted path...

- Saif Saleh al Shaibany saifalshai­

Ifound myself coursing through an uncharted path, being dragged with my family to an unfamiliar place, a choice we have to accept and settle in this uncommon ground we found ourselves in. What guess to say is, I never imagined life would steer me at the current course.

Our journey starts from the first day we are born, coursing through an uncharted path from the very first breath, food, smile, words, steps that we take. As we navigate through our lives we lose count of the number of times we fell and got up.

Years of experience­s should start to count from the day we are born, those first steps we took through childhood onto our teenage days and then adulthood.

Throughout our journey we never could predict where our journey will take us nor how it will plan out.

But clues are sometimes already written in the past, reflecting on those years we might learn more of ourselves, a clear representa­tion on how we come to this point in our lives.

Be careful, if you stay in the past for long you might find yourself trapped there. When it is said that life is unpredicta­ble you better believe, last year showed me how unpredicta­ble life can be. A change can happen at any moment, you have to make a decision even if it is hard.

In June 2023, my family and I found ourselves in the position of having to take a big decision one which will change our journey.

We found ourselves in position leaving our home and moving to the South of Oman, Salalah — our jobs had taken us to uncharted territory. At the time my wife’s job was going through some changes, to which she had to look for other opportunit­ies, and that opportunit­y was in Salalah, in one of the largest hotel chains. An opportunit­y one can’t turn down, to grab this opportunit­y some sacrifices are to be made.

Like my wife, I have been put in a situation where a decision has to be made. What am I going to do?

Yes, my career is in Muscat and our children are settled in their school. Should we make the choice of staying with the kids in Muscat, while she braves this uncharted path alone? Or we all make this brave move together.

These changes are not easy and the reason for taking this opportunit­y sometimes are not always clear. In this case this was not only a difficult change for my wife and me but also our children.

Changing your whole environmen­t, place and leaving your family is difficult as an adult, but the pressure on the kids to accept such a big step, leaving their comfort, friends, school and starting all over. Such brave kids I have.

The process also has given me an insight on the many people who leave their homes to pursue careers aboard, making a living to feed their families. This is never an easy decision.

This allowed me to have some clarity and see this as an opportunit­y to enhance my career to work in a new market and gain experience in Salalah. More of the support of my work to ease the process.

The process of accepting what had been laid in plate, also eased to process in supporting my wife in her decision on the move. Whatever the case decision was always going be sticking together, the whole family will move to support each other.

Sometimes navigating through uncharted water is best done with a crew each doing their part insuring we reach our destinatio­n safely. No exceptions.

Like the three musketeers ‘All for one and one for all’. My wife found herself having to make a decision, but a decision that she was not alone in making. Like the saying united we stand divided we fall. An uncharted path is just another journey to a new horizon.


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