Oman Daily Observer

Growth in motor fuel, petrochem exports


Refining and petrochemi­cals production in the Sultanate of Oman saw a 6.6 per cent increase by the end of November 2023 compared to the same period in 2022.

Preliminar­y statistics released by the National Centre for Statistics and Informatio­n (NCSI) revealed that the production of regular automobile fuel (91) climbed 16.3 per cent by the end of November 2023, while sales rose 11.7 per cent. Liquefied petroleum gas, paraxylene, and gasoline products led the boost in exports, with increases of 103.8 per cent, 214.7 per cent, and 95.9 per cent, respective­ly.

Automobile fuel (91) production reached around 14.734 million barrels by the end of November 2023, with sales amounting to 13.397 million barrels. In contrast, the production of automobile fuel (95) decreased by 20.7 per cent to 10.659 million barrels, while sales dipped to 11.086 million barrels.

Gas oil (diesel) production witnessed a 5.9 per cent increase, reaching 31.155 million barrels, with sales totalling 13.137 million barrels. Aviation fuel production also experience­d a notable 32 per cent rise to reach 9.292 million barrels, while sales amounted to 4.048 million barrels. Liquefied petroleum gas production increased by 20.9 per cent to reach 7.413 million barrels.

In the petrochemi­cals sector, paraxylene production reached 465,100 metric tonnes, reflecting a 216.6 per cent increase. Polypropyl­ene production decreased by 2.1 per cent, recording 222,900 metric tonnes.

Oman’s exports of automobile fuel (91) until the end of November 2023 amounted to 1.221 million barrels, while fuel (95) exports reached about 580,400 barrels. Diesel exports amounted to 17.800 million barrels, and aviation fuel exports totalled 5.233 million barrels. LPG exports amounted to 449,200 barrels.

Petrochemi­cal exports were as follows: Paraxylene — 466,800 metric tonnes, and Polypropyl­ene exports — 206,900 metric tonnes.

 ?? — ONA ?? Petrochemi­cal exports were as follows: Paraxylene — 466,800 metric tonnes, and Polypropyl­ene exports — 206,900 metric tonnes.
— ONA Petrochemi­cal exports were as follows: Paraxylene — 466,800 metric tonnes, and Polypropyl­ene exports — 206,900 metric tonnes.

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