Oman Daily Observer

Israeli jets pound central Gaza with chaotic strikes

- — Reuters

Israeli jets intensifie­d attacks on central Gaza on Sunday, residents and medics said, as battles raged through the rubble of towns and refugee camps in a war that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said would take “many more months” to end.

Netanyahu’s comments signal no let up in a campaign that has killed many thousands and levelled much of Gaza, while his vow to restore Israeli control over the enclave’s border with Egypt raises new questions over an eventual two-state solution.

Air strikes pounded al-maghazi and al-bureij in the centre of the Palestinia­n enclave, killing eight people in one house and driving more to flee to Rafah on the border with Egypt from front lines where Israeli tanks strike.

A Red Crescent video showed the chaotic aftermath of strikes in central Gaza, as rescuers worked in the dark to carry an injured child from smoking rubble.

The stated goal of Israel’s military is to eliminate the Palestinia­n groups.

Israel’s air and artillery bombardmen­t has killed more than 21,800 people according to health authoritie­s in Gaza, with many more feared dead in the rubble, and pushed nearly all its 2.3 million people from their

A Red Crescent video showed the chaotic aftermath of strikes in central Gaza, as rescuers worked in the dark to carry an injured child from smoking rubble


The war and lack of supplies has left 40 per cent of Gazans at risk of famine, the Gaza director of the UN agency for Palestinia­n refugees said on social media.

Israel blockaded most food, fuel and medicine after the Oct. 7.

People on Sunday sat outside their makeshift tents in Rafah, wedged among the ruins of houses destroyed by Israeli bombardmen­t, as some sought food or clean water. In central Gaza, dark smoke rose above the fighting.

The United States, Israel’s main ally, has urged it to scale down the war and European states have signalled alarm at the extent of

Palestinia­n civilian suffering.

However Netanyahu’s comments, when he said he would not resign despite opinion polls showing his government is broadly unpopular and defended his security record despite the Oct. 7, indicate there will be no easing any time soon.

Israel says 174 of its military personnel have been killed in the Gaza fighting but that its operations are making progress, including by destroying some tunnels under the enclave.

Palestinia­n media reported on Saturday that Abdel-fattah Maali, a senior member of Palestinia­n groups armed wing, was killed in an Israeli strike in Gaza. It said Maali, originally from the West Bank, was freed during a 2011 prisoner swap and expelled to Gaza.

 ?? — Reuters ?? Displaced Palestinia­ns, who fled their homes due to Israeli strikes, shelter in a tent camp, in Rafah.
— Reuters Displaced Palestinia­ns, who fled their homes due to Israeli strikes, shelter in a tent camp, in Rafah.

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