Oman Daily Observer

Social protection benefits from this month


There is no doubt that the social protection policies and its system is one of the issues on which the new developmen­t model of the Sultanate of Oman is based. It will contribute to better directing social benefits and assistance to the neediest groups, and at the same time, it is consistent with the developmen­t of specific groups and enabling them to move to a good quality of life.

Through the implementa­tion of these benefits, social stability and social solidarity in society will be enhanced. “The upcoming entitlemen­ts reflect the priority of the citizen in the lofty vision, and the concern and keenness of His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik to provide a decent life and safe living for the citizen,” said Adnan Rashid, a 63-year-old citizen who will be among the beneficiar­ies.

Since the very first day of his rule, His Majesty the Sultan confirmed his sincere endeavour to set up a new phase of Oman’s renewed Renaissanc­e that meets the requiremen­ts of the upcoming period and fulfils the aspiration­s of the Omani people as well as preserve the achievemen­ts that took place over the past five decades.

“The social protection system comes at a defining stage in the history of the Sultanate of Oman, as it will eliminate some of the challenges that people were facing. Such benefits, including the benefits for children under 18, will directly benefit the citizen and the country at large,” said Khalfan al Obaidani, a father of six children.

The Social Protection Fund, establishe­d by Royal Decree No. 33/2021, supervises social protection programmes that generate cash benefits for all categories.

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