Oman Daily Observer

Ministry of Awqaf holds annual meet


- KABEER YOUSUF @kabeeryous­ef

The Ministry of Awqaf and Religious Affairs held its annual meeting to present its activities and achievemen­ts during the year of the Awqaf 1444/1445 AH / 2023 AD), under the auspices of Sultan bin Salim al Habsi, Minister of Finance, and Dr Mohammed bin Said al Maamari, Minister of Awqaf and Religious Affairs, at Avani Hotel on Sunday.

The meeting showcased a visual presentati­on about the achievemen­ts of 2023, the Year of Awqaf, in which the events and activities were highlighte­d and the most prominent goals achieved during the year.

The Director General of Awqaf and Funds and the Reconstruc­tion of Mosques and Holy Quran Schools also reviewed indicators and numbers and a number of Awqaf projects that were establishe­d that contribute to raising the value of the Awqaf assets and returns including constructi­ng commercial buildings.

The meeting also included the signing of investment contracts with 5 companies to invest a number of Awqaf assets in a number of governorat­es of the Sultanate of Oman.

Speaking to the Observer, Abdulaziz al Ghafri, Deputy Head at the Awqaf Department said that the year 2023 was marked with increased focus on Awqaf and the ministry was very keen on attracting more investment­s for waqf.

“Major achievemen­ts of the ministry include compulsory registrati­on of stakeholde­rs for any transactio­n, implementa­tion of automation programme whereby all activities were streamline­d under the electronic programme besides the four major projects which have currently been establishe­d for different governorat­es including the biggest project worth RO 3 million in Al Khoudh, which is the Square project built up in some 12,000 sqm,” Al Ghafri said.

In continuati­on of the ministry’s efforts to improve Awqaf services, it launched the National Awqaf

Register, which represents the cultural heritage of the Awqaf in the Sultanate of Oman and aims to maximise the benefit from Awqaf assets and seek new investment­s with greater returns.

“Awqaf in the Sultanate of Oman have been electronic­ally documented, and rules and governance system have been establishe­d and maintained,” he said. All these come in the context of achieving the priorities of Oman Vision 2040 by developing the Awqaf system and opening broader horizons in serving it through governance, digital and technologi­cal transforma­tion, and relying on advanced administra­tive systems and accurate accounting systems.

 ?? ?? The meeting showcased a visual presentati­on about the achievemen­ts of 2023.
The meeting showcased a visual presentati­on about the achievemen­ts of 2023.

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