Oman Daily Observer

Oil market comfortabl­y supplied after Opec+ cuts


Current crude oil prices appear to be in line with market fundamenta­ls, to the evident frustratio­n of biggest oil producer Saudi Arabia and its Opec+ partners trying to push them higher, which suggests their efforts may be in vain for now.

Despite multiple rounds of Opec+ production cuts since the fourth quarter of 2022, global petroleum stocks are close to the long-term average, while futures prices and calendar spreads are only slightly below average.

Commercial inventorie­s of crude and refined products in the countries of the Organizati­on for Economic Cooperatio­n and Developmen­t (OECD) totalled 2,841 million barrels at the end of October 2023.

OECD commercial stocks were just 19 million barrels (-1 per cent or -0.13 standard deviations) below the ten-year seasonal average, with the deficit narrowing from 218 million barrels in March 2022.

Production restraint by Saudi Arabia and its Opec+ allies has been more than offset by output growth from US shale firms and other sources as well as softer growth in consumptio­n.

With inventorie­s almost exactly in line with their longterm average, futures prices would be expected to be near to their long-term average as well, which has been the case.

Front-month Brent futures averaged $89 per barrel in October 2023, in the 58th percentile for all months since the start of the century, and only slightly above the long-term average of $82, after adjusting for inflation.

Since then, front-month prices have fallen to an average of $76 (42nd percentile) so far in December 2023 as traders anticipate the market will be over-supplied with inventorie­s rising in the first few months of 2024.

The slump in prices has been accompanie­d by a breakdown in the calendar spreads, as traders anticipate crude will remain readily available, replacing earlier fears about shortages.

Brent’s six-month spread has fallen into an average backwardat­ion of 26 cents per barrel from more than $5 in September 2023.

While prices are understand­ably disappoint­ing for producers hoping to be rewarded for production cuts, they are not obviously out of line with a market that remains comfortabl­y supplied with plentiful inventorie­s.

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