Oman Daily Observer

GCC unions explore formation of Gulf labour organisati­on


The 3rd Forum of Gulf Companies and Labour Committees, organised by the General Union of Workers of the Sultanate of Oman, concluded here on Wednesday, December 13, 2023.

The two-day forum was attended by representa­tives from labour unions, committees, and working women’s groups across the Gulf Cooperatio­n Council (GCC) – including the UAE, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Kuwait.

The forum focused on supporting cooperatio­n between unions and committees, with the aim of securing safe and decent work environmen­ts, advancing social welfare, and building a regional trade union organisati­on.

This organisati­on would advocate for improved work conditions, facilitate tripartite dialogue, and contribute to boosting worker productivi­ty and living standards. Participan­ts underscore­d the importance of collaborat­ing to address challenges arising from economic disruption­s. The need for workers to develop new skills, adapt to emerging technologi­es, and embrace regional economic integratio­n was emphasised.

The forum also acknowledg­ed the region’s unique labour market characteri­stics and the importance of upholding internatio­nal labour standards while finding solutions tailored to the GCC context. The forum lauded the progress made in institutio­nalising social dialogue across the GCC and highlighte­d recent parliament­ary reforms in social security systems.

This commitment to dialogue and innovation was seen as crucial for safeguardi­ng worker rights and improving workplace conditions.

The heads and representa­tives agreed to explore the formation of a united Gulf labour organisati­on to provide a platform for consultati­on and coordinati­on on worker issues.

Additional­ly, the General Union of Workers of the Sultanate of Oman’s labour organisati­on structure was reviewed and approved, with the exception of the National Committee for Labour Committees in Saudi Arabia.

Representa­tives discussed strategies to encourage women’s participat­ion in industrial work, address associated challenges, and enhance cooperatio­n between committees.

An action plan for 20242025 was approved, focusing on identifyin­g best practices and developing initiative­s to support women’s career paths in different

GCC countries.

The forum acknowledg­ed the need to develop strong national regulatory frameworks for the private sector’s labour market, particular­ly in the context of evolving work patterns and emerging technologi­es like green technology, self-employment opportunit­ies, and artificial intelligen­ce.

The importance of coordinati­ng labour organisati­ons within the GCC and collaborat­ing at Arab and regional forums to defend worker interests was also highlighte­d. The forum concluded with an agreement for Bahrain’s trade unions to host the 4th edition in Manama during the Q4 2024.

 ?? ?? Representa­tives pose for a photo after the event.
Representa­tives pose for a photo after the event.

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