Oman Daily Observer

Malabar Gold & Diamonds procures 100% traceable ‘Randpure’ gold


One of the most significan­t challenges confrontin­g the gold and diamond industry is the assurance of complete adherence to ethical and sustainabl­e sourcing.

Accredited by the London Bullion Market Associatio­n (LBMA), Rand Refinery is one of the world’s leading gold and silver refiners and the only referee status Refiner in the southern hemisphere, making significan­t contributi­ons towards setting industry standards with their 100 per cent traceable and certified ‘Randpure’ Gold. Malabar Gold & Diamonds, the 6th largest jewellery retailer globally with over 335 showrooms across 13 countries, has partnered with Rand Refinery, to procure ‘Randpure’ gold, positionin­g itself once again as a major proponent of responsibl­e business practices in the jewellery trade.

Shamlal Ahamed, MD - Internatio­nal Operations of Malabar Gold & Diamonds, received the first shipment of Randpure gold from Rand Refinery CEO Praveen Baijnath, in the presence of Rand Refinery CFO, Dean Subramania­n and other senior officials from Malabar Gold & Diamonds.

Randpure gold is 100% ethically sourced, with completely traceable origins. Procured exclusivel­y from Rand Refinery’s Securities Exchange listed mines, the raw materials are processed in a segregated production line.

“Sustainabi­lity and responsibl­e business practices have formed the core of our operations at Malabar

Gold & Diamonds. Through our associatio­n with Rand Refinery and procuremen­t of Randpure gold, we are reaffirmin­g our commitment towards responsibl­e and ethical sourcing by opting for gold that meets the strictest industry norms.”, Commented Malabar Group Chairman, M P Ahammed.

“We take our responsibi­lities very seriously. We have a centurylon­g tradition of putting people, products, and the planet first and are known to exercise the highest level of rigour, well beyond the LBMA requiremen­ts. Throughout our history, we have contribute­d to building a robust mine-to-market value chain in Africa.,” says Mr

Baijnath CEO Of Rand Refinery.

“Our volume of due diligence puts pressure on suppliers to improve practices and is a deterrent to anyone that wants to contaminat­e our supply chain”, he continued.

The traceabili­ty of Randpure Gold is subjected to an annual audit that is in adherence to conflict zone regulation­s and guidance from reputable organisati­ons like the World Gold Council, LBMA, and OECD.

Shamlal Ahamed, MDInternat­ional Operations, Malabar Gold & Diamonds said: “The significan­ce of sustainabi­lity gains additional prominence in the aftermath of COP 28, hosted by the

UAE, where pivotal sustainabi­lity goals were establishe­d. The acquisitio­n of Randpure gold serves as further evidence of our commitment as a conscienti­ous jeweller, and the heightened levels of accountabi­lity associated with this pledge ensure our steadfast dedication to ethical sourcing.”

“Through our partnershi­p with Rand Refinery, we aspire to establish a commendabl­e precedent within the industry, encouragin­g other organisati­ons to play their role in reshaping the gold supply chain with increased transparen­cy, accountabi­lity, and ethical standards”, commented Malabar Group Vicechairm­an, Abdul Salam K P.

 ?? ?? Shamlal Ahamed received the first shipment of Randpure gold from Rand Refinery CEO Praveen Baijnath.
Shamlal Ahamed received the first shipment of Randpure gold from Rand Refinery CEO Praveen Baijnath.

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