Oman Daily Observer

Oman makes rapid strides in setting up green hydrogen ecosystem: Hydrom


Oman’s ambitious strides in the developmen­t of green hydrogen projects were unveiled at the Korea-oman Green Hydrogen Strategic Forum 2023 held here on December 12, 2023.

Eng Abdulaziz al Shaithani, Managing Director of Hydrom, highlighte­d the Sultanate of Oman’s robust experience in engineerin­g optimisati­on within the energy sector.

Emphasisin­g the role of green hydrogen in diversifyi­ng Oman’s revenue streams, Al Shaithani revealed that over 33% of government revenue currently depends on oil and gas.

However, the visionary shift toward green hydrogen aims to alter this landscape significan­tly. Al Shaithani outlined the journey embarked upon by Oman, allocating vast territorie­s and engaging citizens in a monumental initiative.

The managing director reflected on the accomplish­ments achieved in just one year, marking a stark contrast to the mere aspiration­s discussed in the previous year’s forum.

Oman successful­ly conducted large-scale auctions, signing five projects and surpassing 94% of their set targets for 2030.

With a keen focus on sustainabi­lity, Al Shaithani detailed Oman’s aspiration­s, aiming to produce 1.1 to 1.5 million tonnes of green hydrogen by 2030, escalating to 8.5 million tonnes by 2050.

The intricate timeline, starting from the first auction to the current developmen­ts, showcased Oman’s rapid strides in establishi­ng a green hydrogen ecosystem.

To orchestrat­e this intricate ecosystem, Al Shaithani identified six pillars—policies, regulation­s, supply chain, demand, infrastruc­ture, and capacity, and skills.

Hydrom assumed a pivotal role as an orchestrat­or, incubator, coordinato­r, and advisor, facilitati­ng a seamless integratio­n of diverse elements in Oman’s green hydrogen landscape.

The presentati­on concluded with a visual representa­tion of the auction system, depicting the offered blocks, infrastruc­ture provision, and downstream integratio­n.

Al Shaithani emphasised the importance of partnershi­ps, inviting developers, financial partners, industrial players, and infrastruc­ture developers to contribute to Oman’s green hydrogen vision.

Oman’s strategic advantages, including political stability, advanced technology, and access to infrastruc­ture, were highlighte­d as key elements for success.

Al Shaithani envisaged not just the production of green hydrogen but the creation of an entire ecosystem—a centre of excellence positionin­g Oman at the forefront of the global green hydrogen revolution.

Hydrom assumed a pivotal role as an orchestrat­or, incubator, coordinato­r, and advisor, facilitati­ng a seamless integratio­n of diverse elements in Oman’s green hydrogen landscape.

ENG ABDULAZIZ AL SHAITHANI Managing Director, Hydrom

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