Oman Daily Observer

Abraj Energy and Totalenerg­ies unite to unlock gas reserves of Oman Block 12


Abraj Energy Services, a leading oil and gas service provider in Oman, has forged a strategic partnershi­p agreement with Totalenerg­ies, a prominent global multi-energy company, to provide drilling services for the latter’s Block 12’s concession area in central Oman.

The partnershi­p agreement was formally signed by Eng Saif al Hamhami, the CEO of Abraj Energy Services, and Sergio Giorgi, the Oman Country Chair of Totalenerg­ies.

By joining forces, Abraj Energy Services and Totalenerg­ies aim to redefine industry standards, leveraging Abraj’s extensive drilling and well services expertise honed since 2006, along with Totalenerg­ies’ global recognitio­n and proficienc­y.

The primary objective of this partnershi­p is to ensure the successful execution of key gas exploratio­n wells within Oman’s Block 12.

With a remarkable 16 years of experience serving the country’s energy sector, Abraj holds a significan­t market share of 28% in drilling and 15% in key well services, solidifyin­g its position as a pioneer in the field.

Eng Saif al Hamhami, CEO of Abraj Energy Services, highlighte­d the strategic importance of the partnershi­p with Totalenerg­ies. He emphasised that this collaborat­ion not only signifies Totalenerg­ies’ entry into the Omani market as operators but also underscore­s Oman’s prowess in attracting foreign investment.

Al Hamhami further emphasised Abraj’s competitiv­e advantage in delivering internatio­nally recognised drilling and well maintenanc­e services. The partnershi­p is poised to enhance Oman’s oil and gas potential, bolster national energy security, and foster economic growth.

Sergio Giorgi, Totalenerg­ies’

Oman Country Chair, expressed his enthusiasm about the significan­t milestone this partnershi­p represents in Totalenerg­ies’ journey in Oman.

He emphasised the longstandi­ng presence of Totalenerg­ies in the Sultanate of Oman since 1937 and the increased footprint they have achieved over the past two years.

In 2021, Totalenerg­ies produced the equivalent of 38,000 barrels of oil per day through their participat­ion in two assets, PDO and Oman LNG.

The following year, they plan to expand their participat­ion to five upstream assets, including Block 12, targeting an estimated production of 62,000 barrels of oil per day. Giorgi also highlighte­d their commitment to reducing carbon intensity emissions while actively expanding into renewables and oil and gas trading.

Giorgi acknowledg­ed the crucial role played by the authoritie­s, partners, and service companies like Abraj in fuelling Totalenerg­ies’ success in Oman. He explained that their collective efforts within Block 12 extend beyond performing 3D seismic surveys and drilling exploratio­n wells.

Their overarchin­g vision is centred around discoverin­g untapped gas resources, which will be vital in sustaining Oman’s long-term capacity to export gas. This partnershi­p aims to unleash new gas reserves, create employment opportunit­ies, and bolster Oman’s standing as a reliable and strategic partner in the global energy market.

Unveiling new gas reserves aligns perfectly with Totalenerg­ies’ commitment to sustainabl­e energy practices while effectivel­y addressing the growing global energy demand. Giorgi emphasised that partnering with Abraj Energy Services, a leading Omani company, is the ideal way to embark on this journey.

 ?? ?? Sergio Giorgi (left), Oman Country Chair of Totalenerg­ies and Eng Saif al Hamhami, CEO of Abraj Energy Services sign the partnershi­p agreement.
Sergio Giorgi (left), Oman Country Chair of Totalenerg­ies and Eng Saif al Hamhami, CEO of Abraj Energy Services sign the partnershi­p agreement.

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