Oman Daily Observer

Palestinia­n health ministry says out of children’s vaccines


Gaza’s health ministry said on Wednesday it had exhausted its supply of children’s vaccines and warned of “catastroph­ic health repercussi­ons”.

The announceme­nt came more than two months into the Israeli war in Gaza as internatio­nal aid organisati­ons have warned about the dire conditions in the crowded Palestinia­n territory.

The ministry did not specify which vaccinatio­ns had run out, and its claim could not be independen­tly verified.

The UN Humanitari­an Coordinato­r for the Palestinia­n territorie­s, Lynn Hastings, said that Unicef was looking into the issue. “Vaccinatio­ns are one of the priority items that we are trying to bring in to ensure that we are able to continue with the vaccine campaign,” Hastings told journalist­s at an online briefing without elaboratin­g.

Tedros Ghebreyesu­s, head of the World Health Organizati­on, warned on Sunday that “Gaza’s health system is on its knees and collapsing,” with 14 of 36 hospitals only partially functionin­g and supplies running low.

“The risk is expected to worsen with the deteriorat­ing situation and approachin­g winter conditions,” he said.

The Gaza health ministry called on internatio­nal institutio­ns to deliver urgently needed vaccines “to prevent disaster”.

The head of the UN agency for Palestinia­n refugees warned on Wednesday that the people of Gaza were “running out of time and options” as Israel’s war against Hamas grinds on.

“They face bombardmen­t, deprivatio­n and disease in an ever shrinking space,” Philippe Lazzarini told the Global Refugee Forum in Geneva, adding that Gazans were “facing the darkest chapter of their history since 1948, and it has been a painful history”.

The health ministry in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday said the death toll from the war in the Palestinia­n territory had risen to at least 18,608.

 ?? — AFP ?? An Israeli soldier aims his weapon as Palestinia­n Red Crescent ambulances wait.
— AFP An Israeli soldier aims his weapon as Palestinia­n Red Crescent ambulances wait.

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