Muscat Daily


- NUTRITION & YOU (Vandana Chawla is an Online Nutrition Expert and a Registered Nutritioni­st-ukvrn)

When it comes to nutrients for growing kids, we often overlook, the sunshine vitamin - Vitamin D. It gets less importance, due to the known fact, that it’s a sun-shine vitamin, and exposure to sunlight will provide good amount of Vitamin D.

Children,10 years and above, experience growth spurts, wherein, there is rapid increase in height, weight, along with hormonal changes. This increases the need for certain nutrients, and vitamin D plays a crucial role.

Good for growing kids

Vitamin D, along with calcium, helps build bones and keep bones strong and healthy. It also prevents the bones from becoming thin and brittle. In addition, it plays an important role in muscle function and the immune system.

Research has indicated that Vitamin D deficiency during the early years of life, causes growth retardatio­n, resulting in an inability to achieve peak bone mineral density. Also, this deficiency early in life increases risk for upper respirator­y tract infections and wheezing disorders, including asthma.

Rickets is a severe form of Vitamin D deficiency and manifests as bone deformitie­s, bone pain and weakness.

There are three ways in which growing kids can get their Vitamin D:

Sun exposure

Well known as the ‘sunshine vitamin’, our body can produce this vitamin when exposed to sunlight. But if a child's body is covered with clothing or sunscreen it will block sun rays, thereby causing hindrance in its production.

Factors, like seasons (less sunshine in winter months), time of day (the Sun's rays are most powerful between 10am and 3pm), amount of cloud cover, air pollution, all cause obstacles in Vitamin D production by the skin.

Moreover, most kids who spend a lot of time indoors, at school and home, hardly get sunshine exposure, particular­ly at times when it is most important for vitamin formation.

Talking about sun rays, there is a word of caution - exposure to the Sun in extreme summer can cause sun burn and over exposure to UV radiation also increases the risk of skin cancer. Hence, it is advised to look out for other ways of getting the vitamin.

Vitamin D rich foods

The best way to get enough vitamin D every day is to eat a variety of healthy foods from all food groups. Some of the richest sources of this nutrient are:

FATTY FISH - Salmon is a great source of B vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, in addition to being a good source of Vitamin D. Tuna is also high in vitamin D, plus it is rich in B vitamins and minerals, like selenium, phosphorus, and potassium. One can mask the fishy taste and make it more appealing by sneaking these into kids favourite foods.

EGGS - Egg yolk is rich in fat, vitamins and minerals. Be it scrambled, omelet, French toast, poached, boiled or egg curry, this food is so versatile that it can be cooked and served in multiple ways.

MUSHROOMS - These are the only plant source of vitamin D. Like humans, mushrooms can synthesise this vitamin when exposed to UV light. Kids may find it a little difficult to relish mushrooms at the beginning, so sneak it into their pasta, rice, curry or grilled items after marinating in some dip, or simply make tasty delicious soups.

FORTIFIED FOODS - Natural sources of vitamin D are limited, especially if a child is vegetarian or does not like fish, eggs or mushrooms. Hence some food companies have started adding this nutrient to food products that are naturally devoid of it.

Vitamin D fortified foods include milk, cheese, yogurt, cereals and also some oils. These can give some amount but may not be sufficient to meet the daily needs. SUPPLEMENT­S - Since there is a limited number of foods that contain vitamin D, inclusion of vitamin D supplement­s may be needed. Cod liver oil is a popular supplement. However, whenever you start with supplement­s, please consult your doctor about the type, dosage, and duration of supplement­ation.

To conclude, spending time out in the sun, when the weather is good, is one of the ways to get vitamin D. Getting enough from diet alone may be difficult, but not impossible. Regular inclusion of vitamin-d-rich foods is a great way to make sure children get enough of this important nutrient.

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