Muscat Daily

MOE to float new projects to eradicate illiteracy


The Sultanate of Oman has guaranteed education as a basic right for every citizen since the beginning of the renaissanc­e and has harnessed all potential and resources for this purpose.

The Ministry of Education, represente­d by the Directorat­eGeneral of Special Education and Continuous Education, is concerned with building educationa­l programmes for some segments of society that do not fall under the umbrella of regular education, due to their different educationa­l circumstan­ces, such as elderly learners in literacy classes, elderly education, learners in care homes, correction­al institutio­ns (prisons), and people with disabiliti­es (special education).

The Sultanate of Oman has stressed that illiteracy is a complex social and cultural problem; therefore, its eliminatio­n can only be achieved through the combined efforts of all government­al, private, and civil sectors. The

Ministry of Education has worked to build bridges of cooperatio­n with all relevant parties, whether internal or external parties, believing in the importance of accelerati­ng the eliminatio­n of illiteracy among all its citizens. The Ministry has also worked on developing and modernisin­g the field of elderly education, through which students who wish to continue their education to higher grades complete their studies to achieve their ambitions.

The Ministry has provided a set of facilities for students in literacy classes, including providing curricula (first, second, and third) prepared specifical­ly for students in literacy classes, qualifying teaching staff from Omani graduates of the General Education Diploma or higher to teach in literacy classes, granting a certificat­e of freedom from illiteracy to students which qualifies them to join the study system in elderly education, opening classrooms, supervisin­g their progress by specialise­d supervisor­s, and registerin­g students electronic­ally.

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