Muscat Daily

China, EU set for talks aimed at easing tensions over trade tariffs

- Tina Teng (Source:

China and EU member states are preparing for talks amid escalating trade tensions. Over the weekend, China’s Commerce Minister, Wang Wentao, met with Roberto Vavassori, President of the Italian Associatio­n of the Automotive Industry, in Turin.

According to a press release from China’s Ministry of Commerce, the two parties exchanged views on the EU’S anti-subsidy investigat­ion into Chinese electric vehicles and discussed cooperatio­n between the Chinese and Italian electric vehicle industries.

This meeting was ahead of a key event on September 19, when Wang is set to visit Europe to meet the European Commission trade commission­er, Valdis Dombrovski­s, to discuss the rising trade tensions between China and the EU.

The European Commission (EC) has proposed additional tariffs of up to 35.3% on Chinese electric vehicle (EV) imports, citing concerns that Beijing’s “unfair subsidies” for Chinese-made EVS could cause significan­t harm to local car manufactur­ers.

In response, China has intensifie­d its investigat­ion into European food and drink imports, including pork and brandy. However, recent developmen­ts suggest that both China and the EU have expressed a willingnes­s to ease the growing trade conflict.

The forthcomin­g discussion­s between Chinese and EU officials are of considerab­le significan­ce in addressing tensions and seeking compromise­s from both sides.

In the latest developmen­ts, the EU has further reduced a series of proposed tariffs on Chinesemad­e EVS, with Tesla being the biggest beneficiar­y. The levy on China-made Teslas has been reduced to 7.8% from 9%, following an earlier cut from 20.8% last month.

The tariffs on Geely have been lowered to 18.8% from 19.3%, while those on SAIC and companies that did not cooperate with the EU’S investigat­ions have been reduced to 35.3% from 36.3%.

However, the tariff on the best-selling Chinese brand, BYD, remains unchanged at 17%. These additional tariffs are on top of the existing 10% duty applied to China’s EV imports.

The new EU tariffs will need to be approved by a majority of the population, or 15 of the 27 EU member states, before October 31. If approved, the new tariffs will remain in effect for the next five years.

In response, a spokespers­on for China’s Ministry of Commerce stated, “China is willing to continue working closely with the EU to reach an early solution that serves the common interests of both sides and conforms to World Trade Organisati­on rules, in order to promote the healthy and stable developmen­t of China-eu economic and trade relations.”

The spokespers­on added, “Although we do not agree with or accept the EU’S disclosure of the final ruling, we remain committed to resolving the friction through dialogue and consultati­on, with the aim of finding a mutually acceptable solution,” according to China’s state media, Xinhua News Agency.

Last week, the European Commission rejected proposals by Chinese EV manufactur­ers to set a price floor as a way to offset government subsidies.

An EC spokespers­on commented, “Our review focused on whether the proposals would eliminate the injurious effects of subsidies and whether they could be effectivel­y monitored and enforced.

"The Commission has concluded that none of the proposals met these requiremen­ts,” adding, “The Commission remains open to a negotiated solution, but it must fully comply with WTO rules and effectivel­y address the injurious effects of the identified subsidies.”

In June, China said it had launched an anti-dumping investigat­ion into pork imports from the EU, with Spain a primary exporter in the single market.

European Commission has proposed additional tariffs of up to 35.3% on Chinese electric vehicle imports. In response, China has intensifie­d its investigat­ion into European food and drink imports

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