Muscat Daily

Green hydrogen readiness lab launches 26 key initiative­s

- Our Correspond­ent Muscat

Hydrom, in collaborat­ion with the Oman Vision 2040 unit and the Ministry of Energy and Minerals, successful­ly concluded the twoweek Ecosystem Readiness Lab, outlining a total of 26 initiative­s designed to deliver Oman’s 2030 green hydrogen production targets.

The multi-sector initiative­s, covering five key focus areas – Permits, Contractor­s, Workforce Developmen­t, Logistics, and Local Content – are set to be submitted for approval following final review from the overseeing steering committee in few weeks.

Once approved, the initiative­s will play an instrument­al role in propelling Oman’s strategic objectives, driving increased private sector investment, fostering entreprene­urial innovation, and enhancing the national ecosystem’s readiness for green hydrogen projects.

In a press release, Ahmed Ibrahim al Abri, Planning and Regulatory Manager at Hydrom, said, "The outcomes of the Ecosystem Readiness Lab are a major milestone in our journey to build a robust and sustainabl­e green hydrogen ecosystem in Oman. Through the alignment of our public and private sectors, we are setting the stage for longterm success."

The first workstream, focusing on the constructi­on and engineerin­g sector, has outlined a six initiative­s aimed at enhancing the readiness and capacity of local firms to engage in large-scale green hydrogen projects. These include developing a comprehens­ive tender informatio­n package, facilitati­ng partnershi­ps between local and internatio­nal contractor­s within targeted supply chains, and launching a marketing campaign positionin­g Oman as a global leader in green hydrogen. Additional­ly, a platform will be created to connect developers with local contractor­s.

The second workstream addressed the current and future needs of skilled labour, focusing on programmes to upskill the national workforce for green hydrogen projects. Among the eight proposed initiative­s were efforts to align with labour market analysis in the clean energy sectors, establish skill incubators for flexible and seasonal workers, and develop dedicated labour housing communitie­s.

The third workstream reviewed the current regulatory framework, particular­ly in relation to permits, in an effort to simplify procedures to enable faster project execution. A central initiative proposed was the 'single permit' system, designed to streamline the approval process through a one-stop-shop model, ensuring smoother and more efficient operations for green hydrogen projects.

The fourth workstream examined the logistical requiremen­ts necessary to support green hydrogen production and export, focusing on the infrastruc­ture and operationa­l needs of Oman’s ports, transporta­tion networks, and supply chains. The three proposed initiative­s included conducting a comprehens­ive logistics study that covers key roads, ports, and related facilities, assigning Asyad Group the responsibi­lity for developing and managing the integrated logistics system for the hydrogen sector, and establishi­ng a monitoring platform to coordinate and regulate the smooth flow of supply chains for hydrogen projects.

The fifth workstream, focused on local content, sought to identify ways to enhance the participat­ion of local businesses throughout the green hydrogen value chain, while promoting innovation and stimulatin­g investment in the alternativ­e energy sector. Eight key initiative­s were proposed including the developmen­t of an enabling package for industries and services involved in green hydrogen projects, along with incentive programmes for public services linked to the sector.

The workstream also put forward the creation of a dedicated financing mechanism to support hydrogen-related industries, the establishm­ent of an economic cluster for hydrogen-based industries, and the founding of the National Green Hydrogen Center for research, developmen­t, testing, and capacity building.

The implementa­tion of the 26 initiative­s will secure Oman’s position as a leader in green hydrogen production and export, reaffirmin­g the nation’s deep commitment to sustainabi­lity and innovation. By advancing these efforts, Oman is on track to meet its 2030 green hydrogen targets, driving domestic growth and solidifyin­g its role in the global clean energy transition.

The initiative­s will play an instrument­al role in enhancing the national ecosystem’s readiness for green hydrogen projects

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