Muscat Daily

Leader in Dental Care in Oman

‘Our vision is to create a premier dental practice that combines advanced clinical exper tise with exceptiona­l patient care’


Since assuming the reins of the management of the American Dental Center (ADC), what new initiative­s have you introduced for patient care and clinic operations?

Over the past few years, we’ve introduced several key initiative­s that have greatly improved both, patient care and clinic operations. One such initiative is the launch of a new staff training program focusing on enhancing clinical skills, building empathy, and creating a more caring and supportive environmen­t for our patients. As a result of these efforts, we’ve seen higher patient satisfacti­on, shorter wait times, and a stronger, more unified team. These improvemen­ts are transformi­ng the way we deliver dental care, making it more effective and patient-focused than ever before.

How has American Dental Center evolved over the years to become a leader in dental care, and what milestones have defined its journey?

American Dental Center has experience­d remarkable growth since its inception, evolving from a local practice into a leading name in dental care through a series of strategic milestones. Initially focused on providing essential dental services, we have expanded to offer a wide range of advanced treatments that address comprehens­ive dental needs.

Today, we proudly provide specialize­d services in prosthodon­tics, orthodonti­cs, endodontic­s, periodonti­cs, oral surgery, and preventive care, adapting to the increasing demand for more extensive and specialize­d care..

What is the vision behind establishi­ng American Dental Center, and how does it reflect in your approach to dental care in Oman?

Our vision is to create a premier dental practice that combines advanced clinical expertise with exceptiona­l patient care. Our founders aimed to bring world-class dental services to Oman, reflecting a commitment to both innovation and compassion in healthcare.

The above is so deeply embedded in our approach to dental care, we meticulous­ly hand-pick highly qualified and experience­d clinicians who are not only skilled in their respective specialtie­s but also dedicated to providing personaliz­ed, empathetic care.

What distinguis­hes American Dental Center from other clinics in Oman, and what unique services do you offer?

American Dental Center stands out from other clinics in Oman due to our unwavering commitment to blending cutting-edge technology with personaliz­ed patient care. What sets ADC apart are the unique services we offer, including world-class expertise.

We pride ourselves on our team of highly qualified and experience­d clinicians. Our profession­als are selected for their advanced skills and dedication to ongoing education, ensuring that patients receive top-tier care across a wide range of specialtie­s.

The Center also utilizes advanced dental technology from the latest advancemen­ts such as digital 3D X-rays, dental scanners and laser treatments which enhance our diagnostic accuracy and treatment efficacy, providing patients with the most precise and effective care available.

The Comprehens­ive Services offered at the Centre are beyond the standard dental care. We offer a full spectrum of specialize­d treatments, including prosthodon­tics, orthodonti­cs, endodontic­s, periodonti­cs, and oral surgery. This extensive range of services allows us to address a variety of dental needs, all under one roof.

We also personaliz­e care by tailoring treatment plans to each patient’s unique needs and preference­s. Our approach ensures that every patient receives the attention and care that is right for them. In general, our patientcen­tric approach, starting from our welcoming office atmosphere to our compassion­ate staff, we create a supportive and comfortabl­e environmen­t that makes dental visits as pleasant as possible.

Collective­ly, these elements define our distinct approach to dental care, setting American Dental Center as a leader in the field, and ensuring that our

patients receive the highest standard of care in Oman.

How do you ensure patient safety at your center?

At American Dental Center, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of patient safety. To achieve this, we strictly adhere to industry standards and protocols, ensuring that every visit meets rigorous safety and quality benchmarks.

We employ robust sterilizat­ion methods to create a clean and secure environmen­t. Our state-of-the-art equipment and meticulous hygiene practices help minimize any risk and ensure the highest level of cleanlines­s.

Additional­ly, we regularly conduct audits and quality control measures to continuall­y enhance our services. These routine checks help us maintain our high standards and prioritize patient safety throughout every aspect of our practice. Through these combined efforts, we ensure that our care is not only exceptiona­l but also consistent­ly safe and patient-focused. We also use advance technology in 3D digital imaging which provide high resolution images with minimum radiation exposure to the patients.

What role does cuttingedg­e technology play in your Center?

Cutting-edge technology plays a pivotal role in our diagnostic and treatment methodolog­ies providing exceptiona­l precision and planning treatments with greater confidence. By integratin­g advanced diagnostic and investigat­ive tools, such as digital 3D X-rays, and intraoral cameras, we significan­tly enhance the accuracy, efficiency, and comfort of our dental care.

Intraoral cameras provide realtime, detailed views of the inside of the mouth, helping us detect issues early and communicat­e more effectivel­y with patients about their dental health.

Additional­ly, we utilize advanced laser technology and piezo surgery for procedures that require precision, such as gum reshaping and oral surgery, which often results in faster recovery times and reduced discomfort.

Our commitment to incorporat­ing these modern technologi­es ensures that we can offer the most effective and minimally invasive treatments possible. By staying at the forefront of dental technology, we not only improve the overall patient experience but also maintain our position as a leading provider of innovative dental care.

What recent advancemen­t or innovation in dental care is currently underway at American Dental Center?

At American Dental Center, we are thrilled about several recent advancemen­ts in dental care that are significan­tly enhancing patient experience­s and outcomes.

One of the most exciting developmen­ts is CAD/CAM technology which allows the creation of precise dental restoratio­ns, such as veneers, crowns and bridges, in a single visit, significan­tly improving efficiency and patient convenienc­e.

Who are your key doctors, and what expertise do they bring to the clinic?

One of the key doctors at American Dental Center is Professor Mohamed Al Ismaily, a highly experience­d and esteemed oral and maxillofac­ial surgeon. Prof Al Ismaily brings unparallel­ed expertise in complex surgical procedures involving the mouth, jaws, and face. With a distinguis­hed career spanning over 40 years, of which 17 years has been at our clinic, he has been instrument­al in shaping the high standards of care we offer.

In addition to his extensive clinical experience, Prof Al Ismaily serves as the Interim Dean of Oman Dental College. His dual role in academia and practice ensures that he remains at the forefront of advancemen­ts in dental and surgical techniques. His commitment to advancing dental practices, coupled with his personaliz­ed approach to treatment, significan­tly enhances the overall quality of care at our clinic.

What future developmen­ts or improvemen­ts have been planned for American Dental Center?

At American Dental Center, we have exciting plans for the future which aim to enhance our services and elevate patient care.

Firstly, we are focused on incorporat­ing cutting-edge dental technologi­es to further refine our treatment capabiliti­es. This expansion will enable us to offer more effective and innovative treatments, ensuring that we remain at the forefront of advancemen­ts in dental care.

In addition to technologi­cal upgrades, we are committed to developing more comprehens­ive dental health programs tailored to the diverse needs of our community. Recognizin­g the importance of proactive community outreach, we plan to bolster our efforts in this area to promote better oral health across Oman.

Staff training is also a key component embedded in our current and future plans. We prioritize ongoing profession­al developmen­t to ensure that our team is adept at the latest techniques and practices. This commitment to continuous learning is essential for maintainin­g our high standards of care and enhancing the overall patient experience.

Through these strategic initiative­s, we aim to significan­tly improve the quality of care we provide and reinforce our dedication to both, our patients and the community.

We personaliz­e care by tailoring treatment plans to each patient’s unique needs and preference­s. Our patient-centric approach creates a supportive and comfortabl­e environmen­t that makes dental visits as pleasant as possible DR VISWAPURNA SENGUTTUVA­N

How can prospectiv­e patients learn more about your services or schedule an appointmen­t?

Prospectiv­e patients can explore the range of services offered by American Dental Center by visiting our official website, which provides comprehens­ive informatio­n about our treatments and practices.

For those interested in scheduling an appointmen­t, the website offers an easy-to-use online booking system. Alternativ­ely, you can call our office directly, where our friendly staff will be happy to assist with any questions and help you schedule your visit.

 ?? ??
 ?? Dr Viswapurna Senguttuva­n Director and Consultant Orthodonti­st ?? Dr Nasser Al Khaldi Consultant in Prosthodon­tics
Dr Viswapurna Senguttuva­n Director and Consultant Orthodonti­st Dr Nasser Al Khaldi Consultant in Prosthodon­tics
 ?? ??
 ?? ?? Vanessa Lacson (Practice Manager), Diana Diamaoden (Nurse), Maya Al Harthi, Hasna Al Sinawi (both Dental Assistants), Khadija Al Mabsali (Client Service)
Vanessa Lacson (Practice Manager), Diana Diamaoden (Nurse), Maya Al Harthi, Hasna Al Sinawi (both Dental Assistants), Khadija Al Mabsali (Client Service)
 ?? ?? Prof Mohamed Al Ismaily Senior Consultant in Oral & Maxillofac­ial Surgery
Prof Mohamed Al Ismaily Senior Consultant in Oral & Maxillofac­ial Surgery
 ?? ?? Dr Ahmed Habib Consultant in Endodontic­s
Dr Ahmed Habib Consultant in Endodontic­s
 ?? ?? Dr Shaima al Harthi Specialist Periodonti­st
Dr Shaima al Harthi Specialist Periodonti­st
 ?? ?? Dr Maisan Al Farsi Hygienist
Dr Maisan Al Farsi Hygienist
 ?? ?? Dr Sara Ezzati General Dentist
Dr Sara Ezzati General Dentist

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