Muscat Daily

Oman rejects normalisat­ion with Israel

- Our Correspond­ent Muscat

The ‘barbaric war on Gaza’ must stop immediatel­y, H E Sheikh Khalifa bin Ali al Harthy, Undersecre­tary for Political Affairs in the Foreign Ministry, has said. In the same breath, he confirmed that Oman has no intention of normalisin­g relations with Israel.

In an interview with Russia’s state-owned news agency Sputnik, H E Harthy stated that recent normalisat­ion between Israel and several regional countries has failed to advance the Palestinia­n rights, instead enabled further abuses and delays. “The important issue now is not whether or not we normalise, but rather reaching a solution to the Palestinia­n issue and giving the Palestinia­ns their rights.”

He noted that Muscat is actively engaging with the internatio­nal community and key regional players to de-escalate tensions and prevent further conflict, and clarified that “Oman is not directly communicat­ing with

Tel Aviv or mediating between it and Iran”.

H E Harthy highlighte­d His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik’s commitment to Palestinia­n solidarity and support for ending attacks on civilians; urging the internatio­nal community to uphold its responsibi­lities in granting Palestinia­ns their right to an independen­t state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

H E Harthy reiterated Oman’s call for Arab unity, achievable through strengthen­ing the Arab League and regional organisati­ons dedicated to joint Arab action. He acknowledg­ed the Middle East's crucial role in internatio­nal security due to its strategic location and historical challenges.

Despite ongoing provocatio­ns from Israel, H E Harthy stated that Oman does not anticipate a major regional war, citing the prudence and rationalit­y of the regional countries.

“Oman is working with global partners to prevent conflict,” he said, adding that it insists on an immediate ceasefire, attributin­g regional tensions primarily to Israel’s actions in Palestine.

He also criticised the current UN mechanisms for addressing the Palestinia­n issue, suggesting that they have proven inadequate, particular­ly in light of the Ukrainian crisis. “The majority of countries in the world, especially the Third World countries, including Oman, demand a radical reform of the UN mechanisms.”

On the status of Russia and China in internatio­nal peace and security issues, H E Harthy asserted that these two countries “are pivotal global players and permanent members of the Security Council”, and that they bear “significan­t responsibi­lity for internatio­nal peace and security”.

“In Oman, we believe that achieving global peace and security necessitat­es cooperatio­n and understand­ing among all major countries, particular­ly the Security Council's permanent members, while considerin­g the aspiration­s of other nations. We consistent­ly advocate for global consensus to address contempora­ry challenges, including political issues and concerns related to the environmen­t, climate, energy, and sustainabl­e developmen­t."

On the resumption of diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran, he remarked, “The reestablis­hment of diplomatic ties between Riyadh and Tehran has indeed contribute­d to regional stability. As two major regional powers, their mutual understand­ing is crucial.”

The important issue now is not whether or not we normalise, but rather reaching a solution to the Palestinia­n issue and giving the Palestinia­ns their rights H E KHALIFA AL HARTHY

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